Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and the CEO of the famous social networking site Twitter, as well as the Square payment platform, was a guest speaker at Consensus 2018, the event where he commented exclusively on his predictions about the use of cryptocurrencies in the financial market in the long term, stating that, in his opinion, Bitcoin (BTC) will be the native cryptocurrency of the Internet.
According to reports coming from Bloomberg and David Floyd, one of the reporters present at the Consensus 2018 gala, in New York City, USA, Jack Dorsey said that the Internet needs a native currency that facilitates transactions and payments within the web without limitations from third parties.
Although the co-founder of Twitter is not entirely sure if the cryptocurrency assets will end up taking the place of the Internet’s native currency, he does hope that Bitcoin (BTC) will be able to capitalize on the cyber market and become a currency among web users.
Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, is not at his first statements in the favor of Bitcoin (BTC)
“The Internet deserves a native currency. It’ll have a native currency. I don’t know if it’s Bitcoin (BTC) or not. I hope it is,” were the words the businessman gave to the group of enthusiasts who attended the event.
Similarly, Jack Dorsey commented that he has always been an enthusiast of the philosophy of cryptocurrencies, an assertion that is based on the constant support the co-founder of Twitter given to crypto coins, over the time.
However, at first, when Bitcoin (BTC) White Paper was launched, it did not understand the long-term impact and implications of this new blockchain technology, as he himself admitted.
In the past, however, Jack Dorsey has already expressed his deep confidence in the potential for financial transformation of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, tools that have emerged for him as the great technological innovations of this decade with the capacity, in the case of Bitcoin (BTC), to become the native currency of the Internet.