As it was confirmed by Neil Druckmann, the creative director of The Last of Us Part II, what we were able to see in the demo presented by Sony during its E3 2018 conference was real. This was the answer given by the game’s creators to the numerous fans’ comments calling it fake.
E3 2012 and E3 2018
This is not the first time the company is accused of showing a fake or scripted demo. When in 2013 the first part of The Last of Us was released, the company was criticized for the game’s demo shown at E3 2012. It was quite obvious that there were many differences between the demo and the final version of the game released one year later. One of the examples is the way the enemy and friendly A.I. behaves, which in E3 2012 wasn’t the same as in the version available for fans.
This time, however, it’s supposed to be different. According to Druckmann, all systems presented in the demo are real. As he explained, while preparing the demo some systems are being chosen randomly, then further developed in order to make them very specific. Most importantly, he stated that this time the gameplay shown in the demo will be available for gamers once the final version of The Last of Us Part II is released.
Some of the improvements
It looks like the A.I. of the enemies will be improved, compared to the previous game. In The Last of Us it was enough for just one of the enemies to spot you and in that moment everyone knew where you were. Now, once someone sees or hears you, the information has to be passed further. Moreover, the enemies will become more mobile.
Another change implemented by Naughty Dog is an addition of the circle, which is showing the visibility of the game’s protagonist. The way it works is: the more hidden you are, the smaller the circle is. This feature is located right next to the health bar. It’s important to know that you are never completely invisible while hiding in the bushes or tall grass.
All that is left for us now is to wait for the premiere of The Last of Us Part II to see with our own eyes if the gameplay shown in the demo is real.

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