Verge (XVG) is not finished as most had believed at the time when the cryptocurrency experienced a succession of assaults within and beyond its blockchain community. Crypto enthusiasts described this altcoin as an obscene, big scam. But Verge’s staff is still bringing new advancements, mainly after they launched the XVG mass adoption campaign which, today, scored its first successful partnerships.
Panchanko accepts Verge (XVG)
Panchanko, a high-end audio cable manufacturer and supplier, has teamed up with Verge (XVG). The firm is renowned in the music business for its endeavors in the manufacture of sophisticated audio cables.
This day keeps getting better! A third-party seller has joined #VergeFam today! https://www.pachankostudio.com now accepts @vergecurrency as payment! It is a company that manufactures audio cables, well known in the industry. @GirandCHANKING thank you for your support! $XVG #XVG #XVG #massadoption.
Miheal, a Verge Currency core team member, on Twitter
Panchanko is owned by Girand Chan King, a native of Africa, who began his love for music at the age of 8 and turned into a self-taught pianist at a young age. He graduated as a computer engineer and left Madagascar for Reunion Island, to explore ways to manufacture high-quality audio cables.
Evolution Host also adopted XVG
Evolution Host, a leading VPS Hosting provider, now supports Verge (XVG). The hosting service that focuses on gaming servers, IRCds and mIRC Bot Hosting has spearheaded the growth of the hosting business by satisfying the requirements of its clients with low prices, and excellent services.
#VergeFam Check out @EvoHostin – https://evolution-host.com now accepts $XVG #Vergecurrency via @CoinPaymentsNET and offers premium quality #vps, #vnc #gamingserver and #ircd #hosting for only $5
Verge (XVG) Team, on Twitter
The Verge (XVG) will become, among other things, one of the most widely accepted cryptocurrencies by the technology sector. Besides, the XVG community hopes that the Verge team will sign more partnerships to help this cryptocurrency become more prominent.