The conventional financial world and cryptocurrency have become more and more interconnected since the Bitcoin (BTC) price boom of 2017.
The CFA Institute, Chartered Financial Analyst, will include cryptocurrency-related questions in next year’s tests. The crypto and blockchain topics will be part of Levels I and II exams for financial analysts for the first time, that being a clear sign that the cryptos are here to remain on Wall Street, as Bloomberg said.
CFA Institute, whose three-tier training program educated over 150,000 financial experts, reported that the topics for the 2019 exams would be unveiled in August, giving applicants the chance to start studying for the required 300 hours in advance. Cryptocurrency courses are part of a new unit known as “FinTech in fund management” which was created by CFA Institute at the candidates’ demand.
Conventional financial world and cryptocurrency have become increasingly interconnected thanks to 2017’s Bitcoin (BTC) boom
The traditional financial world and the expanding crypto space have become more and more interconnected in the aftermath of last year’s Bitcoin (BTC) boom.
Bitcoin futures quoted on the Chicago Stock Exchange, firms like Goldman Sachs entering cryptocurrencies market and the repeated news that top Wall Street executives are moving into crypto space are just a few of the reasons why cryptos are becoming the real deal.
“This is not a fad. We saw that the issue was advancing faster and with greater projection than others,” explained Stephen Horan, one of the directors at the CFA Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia.
CFA’s crypto- and blockchain-based content will be featured along with other Fintech-related themes, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data.
“It will be very good for us, as there has been a great expansion and adoption of cryptocurrency in our investment universe,” asserted Kayden Lee, 27, a student of financial economics at Columbia University to Bloomberg. Lee took the CFA Level I exam in June and is know getting ready for the next one.
In short, CFA Institute will include cryptocurrency-related topics in next year’s tests because the conventional financial world and cryptocurrency have become more and more interconnected.