An ambitious project called Kovri has been launched in its alpha version by the Monero (XMR) development team for boosting privacy.
Kovri is a project that places Monero network at a much higher level in terms of anonymity of the distributed platforms. This implementation allows that any interaction or transaction of any cryptocurrency cannot be related to any geographical location, by means of routing via I2P.
The Kovri project will become available in the Monero (XMR) network next year.
The risk of linking a geographic location to a cryptocurrency transaction is that if enough data is collected, such as IP address and time of day of the transaction, this information could be verified by authoritarian governments or third parties with malicious intent to determine the final identity of the user. That’s something entirely undesirable for many cryptocurrencies which respect their decentralized nature, including Monero (XMR).
Monero (XMR) adopts Kovri to increase the privacy of its users
The origins of Kovri go back to 2015, when the original author of the I2PD implementation, an alternative version to I2P, whose name is not specified, pretended to be the only contributor to this proposal in GitHub, which generated a deep discontent among other developers and the project lost momentum.
However, months later, a developer, known as Anonimal, rescued the project and started working on it, while recruiting more interested collaborators. Thus, meetings were held in which it was decided to bifurcate the I2PD implementation code base and turn it into what is now known as the Kovri project.
In an episode of OpenHours, the developer explains that this Kovri project will provide much more anonymity to Monero (XMR) transactions, even beyond what this platform is capable of doing since it works with another layer of Internet connection and not with implementations made directly in the Monero blockchain.