An exploding iPad led to the evacuation of an Apple store, more specifically, one of the most impressive retail locations in Apple’s portfolio. The event took place in an Apple Store in Amsterdam where an iPad battery exploded and released toxic substances into the store. The employes requested firefighters to intervene and medical help as some of the people inside the store needed medical care.
Apple employees were very operative during the event, immediately succeeding in securing the exploded device in a sandbox. However, all customers have been evacuated, and the downtown shop in the Dutch capital has been closed for a while.
The iPad exploded due to a perforated battery
It is not known whether the tablet was in service for the perforated and faulty battery or the accumulator was in such condition due to the intervention of an Apple service employee who disassembled the gadget to fix it.
However, according to online reports about the event, Apple employees quickly acted to mitigate the situation, but it was still necessary for the firefighters to intervene. It is important to note that the explosion did not result in a fire and no casualties have been recorded.
This exploding iPad is not the first event involving explosions of Apple devices
Unfortunately, three Apple employees needed medical care because they were having difficulty breathing correctly. But, luckily, assisted by the firefighters the employees managed to ventilate the location correctly, to eliminate the dangerous vapors resulted from the exploding iPad.
That is not the first such event to take place in an Apple Store, and it is not the first one of this year. Two more explosions, both caused by iPhone batteries, led to the evacuation of two Apple Stores, one in Switzerland and another one in Spain. Fortunately, those cases also ended up without casualties.