Base 1: Town Hall 8 War Base 2017 -CoC Best TH8 War Base “Anti-Drags, Anti-Gowipi”
Gowipe can be described as a combination of expensive and powerful troops. It consists of Wizards, Golem, Wal Breakers, Pekka and some archers which can help you in your defense. GoWipe’s most important part is funneling which means that you will win the defense if your opponent does not funnel the troops inside your base. GoWipe is all about making Pekka, wizard, and barbarian king to follow the Golems and also about funneling.
What you need to do is use a packed base which translates into a widespread base. Your defense should be protected by the extreme storage protection and wall protection you build.
As we promised, this is the best TH8 was base you could use, and we will enforce this statement with reasons. The Dragons and the GoWipi are some of the most uneasy to break attacking strategies so you will either be ripped to shreds or win with flying colors. There is no compromise. However, this base only provides the chance of proudly winning. Your defense will be powered up by this base using the anti-Gowipi tactics. Widespread elements, making the base packed will give your enemy difficulty in funneling his troops into the core. What is perfectly used here is channeling. Your opponent will go around the core and not get to it in case they break in.
Base 2: Town hall 8 War Base – ANTi GoWipe ANTi Dragon ANTi Hog
Using a combination between the perfect defender’s strengths, you will have your base protected using this TH8 was base against three of the most unbeatable attacking strategies. The widespread and channeled design of the base helps protect it against the most used by attackers strategy, Gowipe.
Another trouble is represented by the hogs. They get really powerful when they are at Level 4, and they have the capability to destroy an entire base if used with proper strategy. However, this will not work on this base. The Wizard Tower and Giant bomb placements will take care of those Hogs which are too weak for these defenses. The Hogs will easily be killed by the Wizard Towers along with the Giant Bombs.
As widespread as it is, this TH8 base is a great defense against the Mass Dragons Attack as well. Placed near air defense, the Wizard Towers and the Tesla towers can do enough to get rid of those nasty dragons.
Base 3: New Townhall 8 War base 2017 – Anti valk – anti hog – anti drag
This specific base is something new. In recent periods, the Valkyries experienced major growth. They have become even more powerful thanks to the upgrade they got in Level 4. Valks have become the point of concern nowadays as they can rip your base to shreds. If you know where to hit them, there is no use in worrying. The Valks will get distracted by the resources placed around the core, and they will not go where the attacker wants them to even if they use the Rage or Jump Spell. The multiple compartment features of the base will also add to your win.
This widespread compartment feature we are talking about along with the resource ring will not let that Mass Dragon attack bring you down. You will be able to take the dragons down using Air Sweepers which work great.
Hogs will have no chances to enter into the core of your base either as Giant Bombs placed all over the place will keep them away.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.