Wikipedia is the renowned free online encyclopedia owned by Wikimedia that exists thanks to donations, but very few people invest in it. It is an excellent service, and one example for that is the digital assistants which rely on Wikipedia to generate answers to the users’ questions, but the devs, on their part, are not really grateful to Wikipedia. However, Amazon has just stepped up and donated $1 million to Wikipedia.
Over the time, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have made some small efforts to support this free online encyclopedia by making some small investments in Wikipedia. At most, each of the before-mentioned companies gave about $50,000 which, given their profits, seems very low.
Now, Amazon has stepped up and donated $1 million to Wikimedia to thank them for the excellent free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, and also to reward them for their Wikipedia API which Amazon uses to improve the quality of its service.
Amazon is committed to supporting Wikimedia and donated $1 million to Wikipedia
Wikipedia is the most-known free online encyclopedia and the source used by many sites and digital voice assistants of big companies such as Google, Microsoft, or Apple. However, Wikimedia, the owner of Wikipedia, is not monetizing its site and only operates on donations.
Now, Amazon, the retailing giant behind the smart speakers Amazon Echo, has just made a generous donation of $1 million to the Wikipedia.
In the press release, Amazon acknowledges that the Wikipedia free online encyclopedia has played a “crucial role in the success of his voice assistant.” However, the Amazon’s representative also stated that Wiki is just one of the “hundreds of sources” the company uses to build its assistant’s answers.
This announcement comes just days after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos himself announced the creation of a $2 billion fund to support education. According to Bezos, Amazon is pleased to share the same visions with Wikimedia, to “share knowledge globally.”