With a PS4 console that is still dominating the market, Sony Interactive Entertainment has no interest in mentioning or revealing more details about the future PS5. However, PlayStation 5 got cited for the first time by a games developer in a job ad. We’re talking about a former game developer at Square Enix, the studio that develops Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts series, among others.
Now, at the opposite pole of Sony, there is Microsoft which made it clear at the E3 2018 that it was working on the successor to the Xbox One, the so-called Xbox Scarlett. Moreover, with the acquisition of multiple studios (inXile Entertainment and Obsidian Entertainment, just to mention a few), the famous software developer indicates that it has big plans with its next-generation video games console.
PlayStation 5 Mentioned for The First Time By A Game Developer
In short, PlayStation 5 got mentioned for the first time by a game developer. It’s all about Tomohiro Tokoro who now works at Luminous Productions. Indeed, the man in charge of character modeling at the before-mentioned studio informed via his LinkedIn CV that he worked on an AAA game for PlayStation 5 plus a mobile game for the Chinese market. Of course, he hastened to remove the compromising clue, but screenshots have emerged online.
What is interesting is that Tokoro uses the term “PS5” which could hint that Sony would not change the name of its future console, holding on the traditional branding.
Some rumors emerged a few months ago, saying that Sony would plan on changing the console’s name. The reason for those uncertainties was Kenichiro Yoshida, CEO of Sony Corporation, who indicated that it was necessary for the company to develop a “next-generation machine.” Some had then begun to imagine a new name for the console, as Microsoft named its current-gen console Xbox One and planned to name the next one Xbox Scarlett.