Telegram is an application that receives updates on a regular basis and, although it is true that sometimes the new versions do not bring anything special, the latest Telegram update for MacOS brings support for video streaming. On the other hand, Telegram is on the right track to compete with WhatsApp, currently the best instant messaging application for Android, iOS, Windows, and MacOS.
Telegram 4.7.1 For MacOS Comes With Support For Video Streaming and Other Improvements
Evidently, the new Telegram update for MacOS came out with the typical improvements in stability, enhancements in the general performance of the application, and several bug fixes. The main novelty, however, is the one mentioned above, namely, the support for video streaming.
Accordingly, the new Telegram 4.7.1 we allow users of MacOS to watch videos without waiting for them to be downloaded. Logically each of the new versions brings some new features that make the app work better and, in this case, Telegram also boasted a new function.
Telegram Is Getting Constant Updates, And It Is On The Right Track To Compete With WhatsApp
Telegram is one of the best messaging applications for many users but, apparently, is not at the same level as WhatsApp, at least regarding popularity and downloads. Also, WhatsApp is more appreciated by users than Telegram thanks to its more useful features. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that both Telegram and WhatsApp are updated continuously by their devs with bug fixes and new functions.
In particular, in the case of Telegram for MacOS, for some time now, the app receives constant improvements, and its performance is regularly enhanced so that users experience a flawless instant messaging application. In the new Telegram 4.7.1 version for MacOS, the devs added support for video streaming, along with several other stability and performance improvements, so the app is on the right track to compete with WhatsApp which is currently the most popular instant messaging application.