Get ready to receive some awesome rewards in Clash of Clans! Even though Clan Games is nearly over, you will surely be very busy with the many daily tasks Supercell’s Clash of Clans team has prepared for you. Here is the full list below.
March: Two Weeks of Daily Events
The first week comes with an event every day:
- Monday – 18 March -> Just One More Win
- Tuesday – 19 March -> Daily Routine: Home Village
- Wednesday – 20 March -> Builder Base Stars
- Thursday – 21 March -> Home Village Havoc
- Friday – 22 March -> Builder Base
- Saturday – 23 March -> Clan Reinforcements
- Sunday – 24 March -> Technically Not Stealing
The second week has not yet been posted on Twitter by the team, but someone on Reddit revealed the next week’s event (the 31 March event not shown yet):
- Monday – 25 March -> In The Garden
- Tuesday – 26 March -> Hero Hunting
- Wednesday – 27 March -> Upgrade Time!
- Thursday – 28 March -> Siege In Progress
- Friday – 29 March -> Builder Base Bash-Em-Up
- Saturday – 30 March -> Chaarrggee!
The daily events should give players XP and probably something more exciting, but there are no details yet from the Clash of Clans devs about them.
Some players on Twitter have asked the team for significant rewards like hero, builder, or troop instant upgrades, not army boosts or other small rewards. Let’s hope they increase the rewards!
These events should be pretty easy. However, you can check out our Guides for Clash of Clans to find better ways to complete the tasks or just be a better Chief! Also, remember to play by the rules, and respect other players.
Check back here for more Clash of Clans updates.