Dead Space franchise was one of the most underrated series in the video game industry. However, the title has a robust database of fans who are eager to see Dead Space 4, one of the most sought-after games a few years ago. It also seems that the original series producer, Glen Schofield, also the Sledgehammer Games’ founder, would love to return to the Dead Space series to make Dead Space 4.
In Schofield’s vision, Dead Space 4 would have to be different than Dead Space 2 and 3. And we could not agree with him more. The first title of the franchise, Dead Space the original game, has quickly turned into the hallmark of the horror survival game, a genre that was slowly but steadily dying at the moment the first Dead Space came out.
On the other hand, Dead Space 2 was one hell of a game, many fans of the already revived horror survival genre falling in love with it. Dead Space 3, finally, was quite disappointing, the franchise’s fans complaining of many issues.
Dead Space 4 might never happen, but we still hope to have it in the future
Glen Schofield said that Dead Space 4, in case it will ever happen, should sport an attractive multiplayer component. That would make the franchise’s fans to keep playing the game for a more extended period in comparison with the previous titles which were only attractive for the single-player campaigns.
But, unfortunately for the Dead Space series’ fans, since Visceral Games and EA are focusing on other genres, Dead Space 4 might ever happen. In addition to that, let’s not forget that Electronic Arts was not happy with the Dead Space 3 sales, back in 2013. “While we have not announced sales for Dead Space 3, we are proud of the game, and the franchise remains an important IP to EA,” said an EA representative back then.
Undoubtedly, a Dead Space 4 release would be marvelous for the fans of the franchise. And, now, since the series producer showed interest in coming back to work on a new Dead Space title, who knows, maybe EA would change its mind, and we’ll eventually get a Dead Space 4.