If someone had dared to claim back in the nineteenth century that it is possible for a machine heavier than air to fly, that would have been considered an insane idea or even blasphemy. But since Orville and Wilbur Wright, two American brothers from Dayton (Ohio) invented the very first successful powered airplane, it became clear that humanity is capable of much more wonderful stuff than anybody would have dared to dream.
As for nowadays, there are lots of jet planes out there that are capable of fabulous velocities. Their inventors clearly pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in the skies, which is why we need to check out a little list of some of the fastest jet planes out there:
North American X-15 (Mach 6.72):
X-15 is the fastest manned aircraft that was ever built by the human mind. This rocket-powered aircraft is capable of an astonishing speed record of Mach 6.72, meaning 4,520 miles per hour. The record was set during a flight in 1967, as the aircraft paved the way for future hypersonic research.
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird (Mach 3.3):
The SR-71 Blackbird remains an icon of the espionage from the Cold War era. This aircraft was designed for high-speed and high-altitude reconnaissance, and it could cruise at speeds higher than Mach 3.3 (2,193 miles per hour). This aircraft is capable of flying from New York to London in less than two hours, which is absolutely mind-boggling!
Lockheed YF-12 (Mach 3.35):
The Lockheed YF-12 was developed as a high-speed interceptor, as it was an experimental aircraft related to the SR-71 Blackbird, as you might have already guessed. YF-12 is capable of reaching speeds of Mach 3.35, or, to be more precise, 2,275 miles per hour during test flights.
MiG-25 Foxbat (Mach 2.83):
The MiG-25 Foxbat is a Soviet interceptor, and it was designed to counter high-speed threats. Being able to reach a top speed of Mach 2.83 (meaning 1,929 miles per hour), the Foxbat became rapidly renowned for its insane speed and altitude capabilities during the Cold War.
North American XB-70 Valkyrie (Mach 3.1):
The XB-70 Valkyrie is a testament to 1960s aeronautical innovation, as it was a prototype strategic bomber capable of reaching speeds up to Mach 3.1 (2,056 miles per hour). However, it’s important to mention that the Valkyrie never entered full protection, but even so, it remains an indelible mark on aviation history due to its speed and design.
Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor (Mach 2.25):
The F-22 Raptor represents a fifth-generation fighter jet, and it’s known for its speed and agility. This jet plane is capable of speeds up to Mach 2.25, meaning 1,500 miles per hour. The F-22 Raptor gains air superiority by combining stealth and speed.
Bell X-2 Starbuster (Mach 3.196):
The X-2 Starbuster was a rocket-powered research aircraft that broke speed records back in the 1950s. This beauty was capable of a maximum speed of Mach 3.196, meaning 2,094 miles per hour before it was retired. Even so, it contributed valuable data to the understanding of high-speed flight.
Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker (Mach 2.35):
The Su-27 Flanker is a Russian superiority fighter, and it’s celebrated for its speed and maneuverability. It can reach a top speed of Mach 2.35, meaning 1,550 miles per hour. This jet plane has been a stalwart of the Russian Air Force since it was introduced.
Believe it or not, humanity wants even greater speeds than what the jet planes mentioned in this article are capable of. That’s precisely what will determine advancements in the field of aeronautics.

I’m Francis E. Hagopian, and I’m the voice and vision behind Billionaire365.com. For the last 15 years, I’ve lived and breathed Silicon Valley culture, arming myself with insights and know-how that I can’t wait to share with you. Think of me as your personal guide in the intricate maze of technology. I specialize in translating the complex into the understandable, so you can turn knowledge into power. This isn’t just about staying in the loop; it’s about giving you the tools you need to excel in a digital age. When you’re looking for reliable tech insights, know that I’ve got your back.