News Tech

Adobe Flash Player Update Adds Software Tweaks and Bug Fixes for a Better User Experience

Even though most people don’t even pay that much attention to it, Adobe Flash Player is a key component to every PC. This software is mainly used for streaming audio and video content, but there are many other features that it offers. Nonetheless, the reason why this software Is making headlines today is because a new update for Adobe Flash Player has just arrived and it introduces a bunch of software tweaks and bug fixes.

Adobe Flash Player Update

The latest update for Adobe Flash Player sports the “” version number and it has been recently released. The new update doesn’t contain any groundbreaking or innovative features, but it does come with a bunch of software tweaks which improve its performance.

Therefore, if you love browsing the web and enjoy streaming audio and video content then you should make sure to get the new update. We should also mention that the new Adobe Flash Player update weighs in at 4.5MB and that it requires a minimum of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system.

Software Tweaks and Bug Fixes

As previously mentioned, the new update is focused on improving Adobe Flash Player’s performance and the developers are doing this by adding software fixes. While some Adobe Flash Player might be upset to find out the new update doesn’t contain any features, they should be glad to know that the new software tweaks help the software load online content at a fast rate than usual.

Moreover, everyone hates not being able to load up online content and the new “” update makes sure that never happens because it introduces a handful of bug fixes. With that being said, Adobe Flash Player fans who enjoy receiving a premium user experience should make sure to get the new update.

Crypto Finance News Tech

Industries that are Impacted by Cryptocurrencies and the Innovations of Blockchain Technology

The blockchain technology managed to alter the way we look at money even if it’s still in its early days. The most common comparison is that blockchain will do for money what the Internet did for media, e-commerce, and communication. What the blockchain mainly did is that it managed to reduce the need for a trustworthy third-party to authenticate transactions. On the other hand, blockchain can facilitate transactions on an open source distributed ledger. Cryptocurrencies started to gain popularity mainly because such currencies offer unique benefits that other traditional methods can hardly compete with. The controversy involving the discussion of whether cryptocurrencies and considered currencies involves local laws because some countries see things differently compared to others.

So far, blockchain transactions have been targeted at the exchange and trade of cryptocurrencies and speculations say that in the future, blockchain will flaunt an even more significant impact across more or less expected industries even beyond cryptocurrencies.

Let’s have a look at a few significant sectors that will likely be impacted by cryptocurrencies and blockchain as well in the near future.


Cybersecurity has a lot to gain from using the blockchain technology. For instance, a distributed ledger is, and this means that it needs using advanced cryptography to process transactions. This reduces the need for large-scale cybersecurity protocols to store databases in centralized locations all over the world. Even if the blockchain was also affected along the way by various hacking events, the shift towards it will help lots of industries including cybersecurity to become more secure and reliable for users.

Financial services

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have been making headlines in the financial sector for quite a while now. The crypto space slowly but surely penetrated even the Wall Street, and massive players such as Goldman Sachs have already entered the game. An increasing number of bank executives are interested in the benefits provided by the blockchain and using cryptocurrencies, and this can only lead to enhanced implementation of the technology and the currencies in the banking sector. The best benefits of using cryptos and blockchain include reduced transaction times and diminished fees. Even the SWIFT technology is slowly but surely becoming an old-school method compared to the blockchain.

The gambling industry

Even if it may seem hard to believe for some people, from the very beginning the mix between cryptocurrencies and online casinos has turned out to be quite a match. Online gambling showcased a massive growth in popularity for the past few years and this went hand in hand with the increasing popularity of the crypto trend. Both these developing trends managed to captivate more and more tech enthusiasts to have a look at online casinos such as

As we already said, the vision on cryptocurrencies vary from one country to another and considering that when you’re gambling with cryptos, you’re not betting with fiat money, the gambling legislation doesn’t apply for them. As expected, Bitcoin was the first crypto used on online gambling platforms, and more and more casinos started adding it as a payment method. New cryptocurrencies appeared, and online casinos adopted more cryptos as well, such as Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and more. An essential aspect of blockchain casinos is that they’re not restrained to payments with cryptos. The usage of blockchain tech offers various advantages for online gamblers giving them the possibility to use their payment method of choice.


Healthcare is also impacted by the use of blockchain because the technology allows for digital medical records to be much better secured. The patients’ data is crucial in the industry and leak of such confidential information is the enemy in this area. IBM teamed up with the US Food and Drug Administration in order to fight the risk for data leakage and what the blockchain can do is modernize healthcare services all over the world leading to better outcomes for both patients and healthcare services by generating increased revenues.

With each passing day, more and more industries in the entertainment area, Internet of Things, real estate and more are embracing the cryptocurrency space and the blockchain technology as innovative ways to attract users and customers.

News Tech

macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 Available to Install – New Feature Added to the Update

The fifth major update to the macOS High Sierra operating system is here. The latest update for macOS was released on Friday and it adds a feature that we were waiting for since the last Worldwide Developers Conference that took place one year ago. High Sierra 10.13.5 update introduces support for Messages in iCloud, along with security updates and improved performance. It can be downloaded and installed from the Mac App Store.

Messages in iCloud has been already added in iOS 11.4 and now it will be supported on Macs. This will allow users to store their messages on iCloud and not on their device, so it will basically sync the communications they send and receive through the Messages app across all devices, no matter if they have an iPhone, iPod touch, iPad or a Mac. This will help users save space on their devices, but it’s important to remember that it also requires free storage in iCloud.

After the installation of macOS High Sierra 10.13.5, the activation of this feature has to be done manually and on all the iOS devices. All you need to do in order to enable it is to open Preferences in Messages, then click Accounts and select “Enable Messages in iCloud.” It’s as easy as that.

It’s also good to keep in mind that one of the benefits of Messages in iCloud is that if you delete a message from your Mac, it will be removed from all the devices running the latest software update.

The newly released High Sierra 10.13.5 also comes with several security updates and you may want to know that the update is 2.12 GB. You will have to restart your Mac for this update to be installed and just to be on the safe side, it’s never a bad idea to try to back up your data.

We also expect more details about the following macOS 10.14, a more significant release, at the Worldwide Developers Conference that begins tomorrow.

News Tech

The New Era of Jailbreak Is Here: Electra Jailbreak Tool Works On All iPhones and iPads

Jailbreak has been considered dead for quite some time. Apple did everything in its power in order to stop developers from creating new jailbreak tools, and for a while this worked. However, after a long break, the jailbreak community managed to make a comeback.

Recently, CoolStar’s Electra iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak tool was confirmed to support all devices up to iPhone X, as long as they are running the right iOS version. The details were revealed by the developer of the jailbreak tool.

CoolStar tweets

CoolStar took it to Twitter and he shared with us various things about the Electra Jailbreak tool. He started by acknowledging the help he received from others, as he received numerous donations after he put up the donation portal:

He also added that things will be a bit different this time. Back when he worked at the 11.0 – 11.1.2 jailbreak he focused too much on the naggers. According to the developer, this time it will be “drama-free”. He also tweeted that “Some mistakes were made when doing the 11.1.2 jailbreak (first time for everything right), but I’ll be sure to not let it happen twice :)”

Min Zheng, a security researcher for Alibaba also added his confirmation. A working KPP bypass has been pushed into the public domain. This method is important for a jailbreak solution.

This kppless (bypass kpp) method works for all arm64 devices,” along with a link, “Our new Research @bxl1989! iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak internals: Remount rootfs …. BTW, we will have 2 talks about Apple Security at @defcon , welcome to follow us,” posted Zheng.

News Tech

Jailbreak iOS 11.3.1 Electra Update – What We Know So Far?

It seems that a new iOS 11.3.1 Electra jailbreak update is on its way and the jailbreak community is once again alive. Thanks to great work from security researchers and engineers, soon you should be able to enjoy an Electra update on your phones.

Over the years we’ve learned that jailbreaking a certain version of iOS requires a unified effort, so those days when only one or few people worked together to create a tool that can go through the full jailbreaking stages are long gone. Even though we don’t have the same teams in the jailbreak community as in the past, we certainly still have numerous talented individuals that show their dedication throughout the time.

This Electra jailbreak from Coolstar is the only real iOS 11.0-11.1.2 jailbreak toolkit, along with Cydia, that we had for quite some time. It is also known that this is the accepted method of jailbreaking an iOS11 device, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of downloads to devices running iOS 11.0 through iOS 11.1.2 all across the globe.

Thanks to a post from Ian Beer, we know now that an iOS 11.3.1 tfp0 will be released very soon, most likely before next week. Beer has recommended that we keep a “research-only device” running iOS 11.3.1 around when this new release will take place. This is due to the fact that Apple will most likely bring the iOS 11.3.1 version to an end as early as next week. It has been already confirmed that iOS 11.4 will close Ian’s upcoming Exploit.

It is obvious that it’s in Apple’s favor to close the signing of iOS 11.3.1 as fast as possible, in order to stop device owners from downgrading, now that the iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak is going to be released.

Also, according to CoolStar and nullpixel, there is hope for the community when it comes to Electra, which might be updated soon so that it will support 11.3.1. So, if you are a jailbreak fan and the new iOS 11.3.1 interests you, you should get onto the firmware while you still have the option to do so.

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