Both Bitcoin Private (BTCP) and Ledger Nano are evolving in their respective areas but, with the next firmware update, the Ledger Nano will implement Bitcoin Private.
This addition comes to bring more varied and secure methods to stock cryptocurrencies in Ledger Nano, while, at the same time, will offer the Bitcoin Private users to keep their coins safe in the wallet.
This announcement transpired from Nicolas Bacca, one of the Ledger Nano team’s members, on GitHub. Bacca admitted that with the future version of the Ledger Nano, the developers will add support for Bitcoin Private (BTCP).
Nicolas Bacca replied on a topic opened on GitHub about a month ago:
I have tested signing and broadcasting transactions from a custom build of electrum-btcp with success. Please advise concerning adding to the chrome webapp vs. adding to the new desktop app in development.
Nicolar Bacca, on GitHub
Bitcoin Private (BTCP) becomes more and more popular in the cryptocurrencies market
Bitcoin Private forked from Bitcoin (BTC) and ZClassic (ZCL) and was created to improve the privacy of the Bitcoin Network. This has been possible thanks to the ZClassic’s zero knowledge snarks blockchain technology add-on which enhances the security frames on the BTC network.
At the moment of this article, Bitcoin Private (BTCP) is ranked 36th among the other cryptos and is trading at 25.21, recording a decrease of only 0.21% in the last 24 hours.
BTCP has a market capitalization of only a little above $500 million but, as I’ve said, it has drawn investors interest and, most probably, this figure will positively change in the future.
As we speak, Bitcoin private (BTCP) is available for trading at a few cryptocurrencies exchanges, including TradeSatoshi, Nanex, Exrates, and Ocaex, but, according to some speculations, Binance and HitBTC will list it in the near future, which will definitely increase this crypto’s adoption.
In conclusion, Ledger Nano will add support for Bitcoin Private (BTCP) in the next version of the wallet’s firmware, a fact which allows Bitcoin Private holders to keep their coins safe in the wallet.