With a few days to go before the transfer of TRX tokens to the TRON mainnet, TRON (TRX) admins are being criticized on social networks for new allegations of copying files from Github’s repositories without observing the open source software licensing requirements. Independent studies, on the other hand, warn of several potential areas of failure when token migration to the TRON main network is initiated.
In this regard, Lucas Nuzzi, director of the Digital Asset Research (DAR) company, said in a tweet that anticipates setbacks in the migration of TRON tokens.
If you think that the release of #EOS was chaotic, expect the release of #TRON in the next few days. It also happened that I reviewed the entire $TRX base code. My eyes hurt.
Lucas Nuzzi, Director of the Digital Asset Research (DAR), on Twitter
Also, Nuzzi referred to TRON (TRX) as the Frankenstein of the cryptocurrencies market.
TRON mainnet could be exposed to technical failures
A release in Medium, done by Digital Asset Research (DAR), showed more details of the analysis of the TRON (TRX) software and pointed out that despite finding several additional files of copied programs in their entirety, without proper attribution of authorship, these improper copies “pale in comparison to the technical risks of the project.”
Among the weaknesses of the project is that JavaTRON is a copy of EthereumJ, with some known flaws, a library of Ethereum programs that allow interacting with the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain using the Java language.
On the other hand, it is argued that the TRON Virtual Machine is copied from the Ethereum Virtual Machine, but that the added modifications would compromise security, as they “increase the area of attacks on the network.”
Another aspect that leads to potential failures, according to DAR, is the incorporation of the DPoS algorithm that would expose TRON mainnet to individual technical shortcomings after launch “since the project combines technologies originally developed for different system architectures.”