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iOS 11.2 to iOS 11.3.1 Electra Tool Jailbreaks Nearly 70,000 Devices

Even though Apple is doing its best to get rid of jailbreak tools, the iOS jailbreak community is not giving up! Developer teams such as Electra keep coming up with innovative methods of using kernel exploits to create jailbreaking tools. In fact, Electra has just announced that the iOS 11.2 to iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak tool has successfully cracked 669496 iOS-powered devices. This is great news and it shows us that the iOS jailbreak community is thriving, especially since more than 10,000 iOS-powered devices were jailbroken only 4.5 hours after the tool was released.

Successful iOS 11.2 to iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak Tool

CoolStar is the lead developer at the Electra team and he made the following statement on Twitter after launching the jailbreak tool on the official Electra website: “As of now, 10,000 devices have been successfully jailbroken with Electra!”.

From the looks of it, CoolStar is happy with his achievement and it doesn’t look like he is ever going to stop developing iOS jailbreak tools. Moreover, the number of people who jailbreak their iOS-powered devices is going to grow bigger in the days to come.

Imperfect Tool

We should mention that the new jailbreak tool is not perfect. There are still some flaws that the developers need to fix, but this is going to happen during the upcoming future. Let’s hope that CoolStar and his fellow developer manage to take care of every issue related to the new iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak tool fast.

Snapchat Issue

Another important thing that we need to go over is Snapchat’s stance against jailbreak fans. Recent reports are showing that Snapchat is banning people who use iPhones that run on jailbroken software. The reason behind this is because Snapchat considers jailbreaking tools as third-party software that interferes with its software and that’s why it keeps giving out temporary bans.

By Francis E. Hagopian

I'm Francis E. Hagopian, and I'm the voice and vision behind For the last 15 years, I've lived and breathed Silicon Valley culture, arming myself with insights and know-how that I can't wait to share with you. Think of me as your personal guide in the intricate maze of technology. I specialize in translating the complex into the understandable, so you can turn knowledge into power. This isn't just about staying in the loop; it's about giving you the tools you need to excel in a digital age. When you're looking for reliable tech insights, know that I've got your back.

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