Netflix Blocked New Accounts Registration Through The iOS App

Netflix blocked new accounts registration through the iOS app. Apple devices’ users who want to create a new Netflix account would be redirecting to the mobile website to make payments, rather than completing the process via the iOS application. This way, the renowned video streaming platform will no longer use iTunes as an intermediary to evade Apple’s App Store fees.

TechCrunch reported that some Apple devices’ users complained that the registration page to create a new account directly from the iOS application is missing.

Currently, Netflix pays 30% in App Store fees for single user subscription and 15% for renewals. That is a test that is being applied in ten countries, started on June 30th, and is expected to be extended to 33 by the end of September.

The portal explained that countries such as Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Japan are already experiencing the change.

Netflix blocked new accounts registration via its iOS app

“We are constantly innovating and testing new subscription approaches on different platforms to understand better what our members like. Based on what we learn, we work to improve the Netflix experience for members around the world,” Netflix said for The Verge in a statement.

Switching billing to a direct format means Netflix avoids paying fees to Google and Apple for new subscriptions and renewals.

Other platforms, such as Spotify, have also blocked users from using iTunes to pay for subscriptions. It’s remarkable that both Spotify and Netflix have something else in common, namely, Apple has made significant moves to invade their space, so it makes sense for both companies to take Apple out of their direct relationships with customers. The same could be said of Google and its Play Store.

If the billing test grows or becomes permanent, like on Google, it looks like Apple may need to update its developer subscription pages soon, as TechCrunch said.

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About the Author: Anna Galvez

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