About a month ago, The Coalition, the team behind Gears of War franchise, announced its intentions to add more achievements to the 149 one already existing in the game. For that, the company asked the community to come into help. Now, Gears of War 4 with 500 new, final achievements made by fans will launch soon.
Gears of War 4 is available for two years now and enjoys a significant gamers database, people simply loving the game. Up until now, the video game includes 149 achievements summing up 3,500 Gamerscore. But The Coalition decided to add some more, many more, and to do it they asked the fans to come up with ideas.
New achievement in Gears of War 4 to launch soon
Now, however, they teased us with a brief presentation of the upcoming 500 achievements for Gears of War 4. While four of these achievements are secret and The Coalition made two of them, the others are entirely fan-made. Here are some of them:
- Go home and say hi to Mom;
- In Public Versus, kill an opponent holding a power weapon and claim it for yourself five times;
- In any mode, kill an enemy with dripping flames from an Incendiary Grenade;
- In Public Versus, kill 100 opponents with active reload rounds;
The Coalition also revealed new 2v2 “Boxes” map and game mode for Gears of War 4
Besides the announcement informing about the addition of the new achievements in the game, The Coalition also teased about the new 2v2 “Boxes” map and the new Gnasher Execution game mode in Gears of War 4.
The new 2v2 “Boxes” map would come out this fall and would be for free available for both private and public matches. This new map will be playable on any map, but it’s ideal for the new on the “Boxes” map.
On the other hand, the new Gears of War 4 achievements will launch soon, but an exact date has not been disclosed.