Crypto Collectibles Feature Added In Opera Wallet

Opera, the famous Internet browser, announced that it is now possible to send cryptos from the Ethereum (ETH) network directly between users of its integrated crypto wallet.

“We believe that an important part of our lives is developed online, and so will be the things we collect,” said the Opera team on their blog.

Now, users will be able to make transactions with their cryptos by exchanging them with each other from the browser, without the need to enter exchange platforms or massive online markets. Opera intends to integrate a wallet that allows holding and exchanging crypto collectibles.

“We are big fans of crypto collectibles. They are unique digital objects that can be kept in the blockchain and collected in a wallet […] These digital objects are known in the crypto world as ‘collectibles,’ ‘unique tokens’ or non-fungible tokens or NIFTYs. Although they are still in an early stage of adoption, baseball cards or CryptoKitties can already be collected and stored in a wallet. We believe that this is just the beginning of a trend,” said Opera devs.

Crypto collectible adoption rates might skyrocket thanks to Opera wallet once it becomes public

Referring to the fact that the transactions in the blockchain are not instantaneous, they implemented in this version of the Opera wallet a notification system that warns when a transaction is made and when it is confirmed.

The wallet is available in its private beta version, which gives reason to think that, if it is implemented publicly, the adoption of blockchain crypto collectibles can skyrocket to never-before-seen levels. This result, on the one hand, looks positive, but on the other hand, it can evidence the network’s shortcomings. A successful mass adoption requires that the blockchain in which these smart contracts are executed has a high processing capacity to handle the subsequent volume of transactions generated.

At the moment, the Opera wallet is only available in the Opera browser for the Android, and, because it is based on the Ethereum (ETH) network, it only supports ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens.

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About the Author: Anna Galvez

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