There are many ways to transfer files from one device to another. Whether by cable, Bluetooth, NFC, or over the network, our phones have a wide range of possibilities that allow us to transfer photos, images, and videos quickly. But although there are a lot of methods to share files between devices, as well as lots of such apps on App Store, Xender for iOS is an application that enhances the concept of file sharing.
Xender is the fastest file sharing app, by 200 times faster than Bluetooth
Xender allows you to transfer files of any type from your device, regardless of whether it is Android, iOS, PC, or Windows Phone, to any other device, be it a phone, tablet or a computer.
To do that, the application uses a local network through which several devices are connected, allowing file transfers at high speeds. So, by using Xender, you can transfer a 50MB video, for example, in just a few seconds. In fact, Xender: File Transfer & Sharing is allegedly 200 times faster than Bluetooth and for obvious reasons more comfortable than using USB cables.
Additionally, we can transfer data between a smartphone and a computer by only scanning a QR code within the Xender Web app and without needing to install any type of software. With Xender we will also be able to stream from our mobile to a computer, being this function of great interest if we are away from home.
Xender for iOS for the fastest file sharing system on Apple
Designed especially for mobile devices, Xender for iOS couldn’t be missing. Supporting many languages (English, Arabic, Chinese, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) and all the common Xender features plus the new “phone replicate” (backs up your data like contacts, images, etc. when you change your phone), Xender for iOS is the fastest file sharing app on App Store.
You can grab the official Xender for iOS directly on App Store.