Google wants to expand Android far beyond mobile phones industry. Accordingly, Google Android emerged in the automotive sector as Renault, Nissan, and Mitsubishi have just signed an agreement with Google whereby all vehicles belonging to these brands will have Android Auto integrated directly into their infotainment systems starting with 2021.
Android Auto to be directly integrated into infotainment systems by Renault, Nissan, and Mitsubishi
Fundamentally, the majority of the cars produced by Renault, Nissan, and Mitsubishi starting with 2021 would enjoy the direct integration of Google applications and services (such as Google Maps, its voice assistant (Google Assistant) or the Google Play Store with which to access the ecosystem of Android apps) into their infotainment systems via Android Auto.
Besides, Android Auto direct integration would also mean that it is no longer necessary to connect the cars’ computers to Android devices since the Google’s OS for automobiles is already integrated into the vehicles’ own system.
And the best part of it is that the new OS will also be compatible with iOS devices.
The integration of Android OS in vehicles’ infotainment system was not received positively by everybody
This news seems an excellent one, but some have a few complaints. Accordingly, some think that directly integrating Android Auto into the infotainment systems would mean an even more significant loss of privacy for drivers, as some of them already complained after the news emerged.
On the other hand, other providers of a similar type of services, such as TomTom, have received a setback in the stock market after the news regarding the new partnership between Google, Renault, Nissan, and Mitsubishi went live.
Although, there are still some manufacturers who are reluctant to implement Android Auto in their vehicles because of the loss of privacy that such a measure would mean for their customers as the cars would be demanding more and more advanced infotainment systems with more redundant connectivity to the cloud.