Before getting to the steps below, download and install bluestacks on your computer and for installing you should use Showbox App’s APK file.
If you want to get Showbox App on PC follows these easy steps.
Step 1: Go to Bluestacks.com and download the program. You can also search bluestacks download on Google.
Step 2: After that, you need to click twice on Bluestacks.EXE.
Step 3: “…% Extracting” will appear when you get it started
Step 4: After that is completed you will be welcomed to BlueStacks where you need to tap on next.
Step 5: Use the ‘Browse’ button to choose its desired location then click next.
Step 6: Offer permission to bluestacks to access App Communications and App Store then install the program.
Step 7: After that, you will get the ‘Installing Bluestacks” notification which will run in 4 steps.
Step 8: You will get the ‘Installation Completed’ notification after it is done. After that, select the Start Bluestacks and tap on the ‘Finish’ tab then download Showbox APK.
Step 9: Go on the APK option and click on the icon which says ‘Install APK.’
Step 10: It will ask you to choose where you want APK to be located, and we recommend the desktop.
Step 11: The “Installing APK….” notification will automatically pop up after deciding on its location.
Step 12: A small tab of the Application will appear on the main window of the BlueStack software after getting installed. In order to start it, you need to click on it.
Step 13: After that, you will need to wait a little bit so the data from the movies will be gotten ready.
Step 14: When that is done you are free to start watching the movies you want.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.