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Sub-query Optimization is now Featured with the Latest MySQL Community Server Version

There’s a new MySQL Community Server version, the 8.0.12 which is capable of enabling users to understand things like a swift solution or query development, flexible NoSQL access or replication improvisation. If you are wondering, this version can work with a bunch of MySQL server versions, like 8.0, 5.7, 5.6, and 5.5, besides offering support to Java Database connectivity.

This upgrade consists of a real way of detecting automatic and easily failures by using certain utilities, global action identifiers, and self-healing replication clusters. The Unisecure Data Centers just announced the availability of providing Web-Hosting with the recent version of the MySQL Community Server. This will help users with their web application requirements by enabling reliability, scalability, performance and manageability.

By using Unisecure’s MySQL your developer activities like DDL Operations (Data Definition Language), sub-query optimization is boosted. Also, your path in performance Schema will benefit from better condition handling. Here’s what some of the server features look like:

  1. Unisecure’s latest MySQL server update enlarges linear scalability which will allow you to get the upper hand for the latest hardware abilities.
  2. You can now better understand the swift solution, query development, flexible NoSQL access and replication betterment.
  3. Suitable for multiple server versions and Java Database connectivity.
  4. The version enhanced performance schema in order to grant users easy configuration by having to deal with less than 5% overhead.
  5. Self-healing replication clusters are present, as well as global action identifiers and utilities.
  6. Work errors decreased through providing time delay replication.

The management of the Unisecure LLC said that “We are getting awesome demand for our MySQL hosting service, we are happy and are more committed to our technology, performance and Data Integration”. So far, Unisecure managed to provide a secure data center environment with robust tech and reliability.

By Henry R. Lares

Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post.  In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.

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