The Cisco 200-105 exam is meant for those who want to earn the Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing & Switching “diploma.” You need to study ahead for it, and you have to choose between 2 options: a single exam: 200-125 CCNA, or two exams, 100-105 ICND-1, and 200-105 ICND-2.
We’ve written this article to give you the best tips on how to study for the Cisco 200-105 exam.
What’s the exam like?
For this exam, you have to answer 55-65 questions in 90 minutes. Those of you who are not native speakers of English are allowed to stay 30 more minutes in order to complete the exam. However, there are some requirements to meet if you want to qualify for those extra 30 minutes. Go to the testing center and talk to someone about the requirements.
To pass the test, you have to score at least 810 out of 1000 points
After you pass the exam, you have three years to make the most out of it. Then you’ll need to do a recertification process. You might also want to take the CCNA Concentration test to take care of the security, voice, and wireless. You can choose any specialist exam. You need to remember that you have three years to complete the ICND-2 exam after you write your ICND-1. If you don’t take the second part of the 200-105 test, then the 100-105 test results will expire, and all it was for nothing, as you’ll have to start over.
What are the best resources?
There are many tools to use when you start studying for a test. Here are some of them:
Getting and going through the books will help you in studying faster and effectively. We’ve prepared a list for the best books you should get:
- CCNA Portable Command Guide
- Cisco Discovery & Cisco Exploration – Study Guide. This is also available through Cisco Academy
- Cisco Press ICND-1 and ICND-2 Certification Guide
- CCNA Networking Academy (1-4). This resource is available through Cisco Academy
- Sybex CCNA sixth edition – Todd Lammle
It’s not a must to read them all, two should be enough. However, if you think you have the time, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look at the others.
Video courses
Books are important, it’s true, but you can also opt for video training options. You can watch some videos that were made to help you study efficiently. But you should keep in mind that it’s not compulsory to watch them, but it’s a more relaxed way to study, and all you have to do is listen. We’ve prepared a list for the best videos you should watch:
- PrepAway
- CBT Nuggets
- TestOut
- Pluralsight
- Exam simulators
If you want to see how the exam is going to be, get the real atmosphere before, you can always choose an exam simulator. They are completely free and they’re the best thing you can use when you study for the certification test. You’ll practice the subject and you’ll see what the actual exam will be like. It’s a win-win, as it prepares you for the real one. You might not be that anxious on the actual day of the exam. PrepAway and ExamSnap are the best places you can go to find exam simulators.
Community forums
It’s okay to ask others for help. There are many online forums you can join in order to talk to other candidates and, why not, ask them to explain the notions you don’t understand. We’ve prepared a list for the best forums you should join:
- Certforums
- CertCollection
- Cisco website
- Network-forum, etc.
- Exam Collection

I’m Francis E. Hagopian, and I’m the voice and vision behind Billionaire365.com. For the last 15 years, I’ve lived and breathed Silicon Valley culture, arming myself with insights and know-how that I can’t wait to share with you. Think of me as your personal guide in the intricate maze of technology. I specialize in translating the complex into the understandable, so you can turn knowledge into power. This isn’t just about staying in the loop; it’s about giving you the tools you need to excel in a digital age. When you’re looking for reliable tech insights, know that I’ve got your back.