Samsung has finally presented its Galaxy S10 lineup and the world’s first mainstream folding smartphone – Galaxy Fold. But there is one big issue with Galaxy Fold. Namely, this device costs $2,000, which, nonetheless, sets a too high price tag for high-end foldable phones. That might turn out to be in customers’ disadvantage when other folding smartphones would start rolling out on the market.
According to some analysts of the industry, people would love to buy a Galaxy Fold, only that they don’t have the financial possibility to do so. And that could prove out to be one significant problem for Samsung which was hoping to revive smartphone market sales with its innovation, sales that witnessed a drop in 2018, for the first time in history.
However, the $2,000 price tag should not come as a surprise for us since Apple with its iPhone X lineup, for example, pushed the prices beyond $1,000. Accordingly, Samsung thought that Galaxy Fold, which is of a superior quality than iPhone X, plus that it is the first mainstream folding smartphone, should cost more.
Galaxy Fold Is The World’s First Mainstream Folding Smartphone
Galaxy Fold boasts a 4.6-inch display when folded. However, when you unfold it, Galaxy Fold turns into a tablet with a screen of 7.3 inches. In tablet mode, you can use up to three applications at the same time via split-screen functionality. Besides, it comes with two batteries, one for each side of the smartphone, and a total of six cameras.
Under the hood, it boasts 12 Gb of RAM, which makes it the first mainstream smartphone on the market to possess this amount of RAM. Besides, you can order it four colors, namely, Cosmo Black, Space Silver, Martian Green, and Astro Blue. Galaxy Fold, the world’s first folding smartphone, would become available on April 26th this year.
As for how the Galaxy Fold folds, Samsung created a particular type of display technology. Namely, the so-called Infinity Flex Display makes it possible for us to fold and unfold the device for as much as we want without tearing or breaking the screen.