Anthem wasn’t the hit envisioned by the company, but EA has some strong franchises that could receive a sequel in 2019. Among we can count Need for Speed and Plant vs. Zombies. Many gamers are looking forward to the release of new Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 game, and some believe that the third entry in the series will be announced during E3 2019.
The first game on the franchise, Plants vs. Zombies, was released for Windows and Mac computers in May 2009. The easy–to-pick-up but hard-to-master gameplay made it an instant hit among those who loved tower defense titles.
The game was so successful that PopCap Games, the studio who developed the game, decided to release it across a large selection of platforms, including iOS and Android. The console versions of the game came with a variety of new features, among which we can count additional modes and co-op and versus multiplayer modes. Game of the Year versions of the title was released for PC and Mac at one point.
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 Might Come Out During E3 2019
A sequel called Plants vs. Zombies 2 was released for smartphone devices in 2013. In 2014, a spinoff title named Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare was released. The game mixes elements from the third-person shooter and multiplayer genres, allowing players to take control of the Plants or Zombies in an attempt to conquer the world.
Garden Warfare enjoyed positive reviews from critics and players alike, and a sequel was released two years later. Garden Warfare 2 improved many of the aspects which were criticized in the case of the first game and managed to garner even more attention.
Those who are looking forward to the announcement of a new Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 title also have a list of suggestions which would make the game great. Among them, we can count the inclusion of a new class, the ability to transfer characters, extra multiplayer slots, and much more. It remains to be seen if Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 will be announced at E3 2019, an event which should take place in less than two weeks.