Do you experience the iPhone not charging problem? Well, you are not alone. Let’s show you how to resolve this problem.
iPhone is not devoid of issues despite its luxury status; however, the iPhone not charging problem is one of such issues.
Fix: iPhone not charging problem
Solution 1: Hard Reset Your iPhone
You should always try this first before any other thing. By performing a hard reset, you can check whether the fault is located in the hardware or software. Press the home and power buttons to reset your iPhone for few seconds. Wait for it to reboot and then charge your device once more.
Solution 2: Check For Any Damage On Your Lightening Cable
Take your iPhone cable, observe both ends of the cable. Check to see for any damage,scratch or break. If after having a close look and you don’t find any damage. You should then try these few steps:
- Connect your iPhone to a PC and see if it charges. If it still doesn’t, then the fault is from the cable and not your phone.
- Try connecting your iPhone to your car, see if it charges. Note that your charger is faulty if it doesn’t.
- Try charging your iPhone in different locations, it is advisable to use a friend’s cable.
After you must have tried all these steps, you should be able to know where the fault emanates from.
Solution 3: Clean the charging port with a toothbrush
This might sound crazy but it is possible for your iPhone to stop charging due to dirt in the charging port. Grab a clean brush, gently clean it, take all your time and don’t rush the process, check to see for any more dirt and repeat the process.
Solution 4: DFU Mode
There’s still one step to carry out if you find out that your iPhone has stopped charging. Before trying this, be sure to back up your data. This process involves factory resetting your phone using iTunes.
Solution 5: Visit a nearest Apple store
If after trying everything and the problem still persist, then you should call the geeks. Visit the nearest Apple store or an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
Hope you find this helpful?

Daniel Segun is a technology writer with over 5 years of experience. He loves to teach and inspire others. When he is not writing, he’s probably busy developing websites. You can reach him here.