A lot of people out there who constantly surf across the vast ocean of the web like to use a proxy server. By doing so, they will gain enormous benefits, such as more security, better bandwidth, data encryption, and more. And let’s all admit that there are way too many dangers out there in the cyber realm that could put us and our data in danger!
While the vast majority of netizens are well aware of the usual benefits of using a proxy server, there are other less-known tech gimmicks that we all need to know about.
Preventing ads and cookies
Perhaps the phrase “Come to the dark side, we have cookies!” has a bit of truth in it. Cookies do have their importance, as they allow websites to remember a part of your data so that you won’t have to log in each time you visit them. That’s clearly a major benefit, but we need to be aware that there is also a dark side to cookies.
Market companies can exploit cookies for targeting, while cyber attackers can even use them to gain access to a website due to malware attacks.
As for ads, well, we all are annoyed by them, although they represent one of the major ways websites generate profit.
However, once you have the right proxy server by your side, there’s a chance to not have to deal with ads and cookies anymore.
Keeping an eye on Internet usage
There’s way too much violence and sexual content on the internet these days, and while, as adults, we might not have a problem with that, surely things change as soon as our children start using the online realm. Therefore, it can be in our best benefit to control what the child sees online, which is why monitoring internet usage is one of the less-known properties of proxies. Once you have a proxy server, you can keep an eye on the internet content your child accesses and control it. It will be possible to block certain content, such as pornographic websites.
A lot of psychologists and scientists warn against the dangers of consuming pornographic content, especially at a fragile age. Becoming addicted to such content is highly dangerous for your mental health and the emotional connections that you try to make with a potential partner life.
Faster loading speeds for website caching and traffic compression
Let’s face it: nobody likes to be on a website that takes ages to load. Nobody has the time and energy for it, especially nowadays when the online realm is teeming with alternatives.
Proxy servers are able to compress data to allow the users to save bandwidth. This procedure reduces the load coming into your website, which will grant optimal speeds.
Proxies can even cache websites you visit very often. Even if there are many users involved, the proxy server won’t have trouble in caching a website. Proxies don’t cache only websites, as they are able to do the same in the case of images and other types of files. In other words, you should never underestimate the power of a proxy server!
Although the idea of using a free proxy server sounds tempting, you need to know that there are some significant limitations. That’s why paid options can be a lot better, with no disrespect intended for those who offer free proxies.

I’m Francis E. Hagopian, and I’m the voice and vision behind Billionaire365.com. For the last 15 years, I’ve lived and breathed Silicon Valley culture, arming myself with insights and know-how that I can’t wait to share with you. Think of me as your personal guide in the intricate maze of technology. I specialize in translating the complex into the understandable, so you can turn knowledge into power. This isn’t just about staying in the loop; it’s about giving you the tools you need to excel in a digital age. When you’re looking for reliable tech insights, know that I’ve got your back.