
The Steam Guard App Doesn’t Show the 2FA Code: How to Fix the Issue

Who says that the well-known Steam platform is only for those gamers who want to manage their accounts from a laptop or a desktop PC? The famous gaming service has built its own 2FA app for those who want an extra amount of security, and it’s called Steam Guard.

One great aspect of Steam Guard is that the app relies on its own two-factor authentication system instead of using the Google Authenticator so tware. Surely, a lot of people out there are reticent when it comes to installing an app that they can also very well do without.

But what can you do when the Steam Guard app doesn’t dis lay the 2FA code? Surely this is a very frustrating situation, and a lot of people ar  dealing with it. If they don’t get to solve the issue, they won’t be able to log in the r Steam accounts. Such a scenario will automatically result in specific games not starting anymore, and the notorious Counter-Strike: Global Offensi e is one of them. Not being able to hop into an online Counter-Strike match just because your Steam account has gone berserk is indeed something that no gamer wants. owever, we’re here to save the day, so keep on reading to find out how to solve this little technical issue!

Check the ‘spam’ folder on your email

If the 2FA code hasn’t arrived in your inbox, it could just be in the spam folder. A lot of emails end up there, although they don’t necessarily qualify as spam. Believe it or not, but the code that the Steam Gua d app sends you could arrive in that place as well, so be sure to check it out

Generate a backup code

Did you know that there is possible to generate a backup code from the Steam Guard app itself? If you have the app installed on a phone, whether it’s Android or iOS, there are some simple steps you need to take:

  1. Select the l bab menu, meaning the three bar icon from the upper right corner and hit the Account Details from the menu.
  2. Scroll down until you find the Account Security section. Select the Manage Steam Guard option and the Get Backup Codes options.
  3. Wait a few seconds for the SMS containing an OTP to arrive to you from Steam Guard. This will be the verification code. Once you enter it, a set of backup codes will appear. You can use those codes to sign in to y ur account at Steam.

Delete cache on PC and phone

Clearing cache from the devices where you have Steam or the Steam Guard app installed could also solve your problem with the 2FA code. Therefore, feel free to do so and check if everything will be ok afterward.

Update your device’s date and time

If the date and time on your compiter and phone are not correct, don’t be surprised if the Steam Guard app doesn’t send you the verification code anymore. If that’s the case, you need to set the date and time the right way and in accordance to your current location.

Steam’s servers  might be down for the count

If Steam’s servers are down, there’s pretty much nothing you can do except for embracing one of the biggest virtues of all: have some patience. Just go ahead to the Steam Status region and check the server status.

If all the methods fail, feel free to relaunch the Steam app  n your computer. A lot of errors can be solved by simply restarting apps, and this could also be the case here. Also, you can restart the Steam Guard app that you’re using from your phone or grab the latest update, if there is any available.

By Francis E. Hagopian

I'm Francis E. Hagopian, and I'm the voice and vision behind For the last 15 years, I've lived and breathed Silicon Valley culture, arming myself with insights and know-how that I can't wait to share with you. Think of me as your personal guide in the intricate maze of technology. I specialize in translating the complex into the understandable, so you can turn knowledge into power. This isn't just about staying in the loop; it's about giving you the tools you need to excel in a digital age. When you're looking for reliable tech insights, know that I've got your back.

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