Finance News

How to Keep a Lack of Capital from Squashing Your Small Business Dreams

Whether your goal is to start and stay a one-person business that operates out of your home or your dream is to one day run a huge company that employs thousands, you likely need some capital to begin.

Even if you just have to purchase seemingly small things, expenses can quickly add up. Sometimes to the point where you’re tempted to just give up your dreams because your bank account isn’t big enough to support them.

However, there are a few things you can do to prevent a lack of capital from squashing your entrepreneurial dreams. Here are three to consider.

  1. Be Resourceful

In a recent interview with The Oracles, business coach and consultant Russell Ruffino shares that a lack of capital was the biggest challenge he faced when first starting his company, Clients on Demand. Ruffino believed that his business should be self-funded, which he said ultimately made him more resourceful while also providing benefits that were “life-changing.”

In fact, Ruffino teaches these same tactics to his clients, helping them succeed at “making sales while staying as lean as possible.” One way he does this is by encouraging them to offer one service that is higher in price (like in the thousands-of-dollars range). This enables them to earn enough money straight out of the gate to keep them afloat.

What type of higher-priced option could you offer your customers to increase your working capital immediately? At the same time, what are some ways you can reduce your costs until you’re able to bring in some real money?

  1. Be Curious

In addition to being resourceful, it also helps to be curious enough to always want to learn more about how to create and grow a successful business. This keeps you updated on all of the latest tips and tricks that others are using to establish thriving companies.

With the Internet always at your fingertips, it makes it easier than ever to find the information you want or need to know about business-related matters. The key is to choose reputable resources so you obtain data from those who know certain topics inside and out.

Fundera shares that the best small business blogs include Evergreen Small Business, Smart Passive Income Blog, ProBlogger, and Blog Tyrant. Developing a well-rounded education in small business matters can give you the framework you need to build your company until you can afford to pay others to do these things for you.

Commit to learning something new each day. The more you know about topics such as these, the better decisions you’ll make when growing your small business.

  1. Be Disciplined

Do you know why grocery stores and retail stores place certain items by the checkout counters or in the middle of the aisles? It’s because they know that these types of items are compelling to consumers, whether on their shopping list or not.

The last thing you want to do when building a business is make an impulse buy and blow your budget before you even get started. Therefore, the more disciplined you are with the cash you do have, the lesser the likelihood that you’ll find yourself in that type of position.

U.S. News indicates that staying financially disciplined involves setting financial goals, challenging yourself to save where you can, and seeking support from those around you to help you make financial progress. Stay on track with your money and you’ll have more for your business needs.

Starting a business does take cash, but being resourceful, curious, and disciplined will get you one step closer to your business ownership dreams.

Finance Markets News Tech

Monday Briefing: Finance, Tech, GE Co and Brexit

Start your week with this morning bit of news to keep you updated on today’s highlights.

The US-China trade talks will continue to evolve, as last night, President Donald Trump stated that the US will delay the increase in tariffs for 1 March. On Tuesday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell will update the Senate Banking Committee about the economy and monetary policy.

In the Tech news, Huawei’s 5G network took over the Mobile World Congress (MWC) at Barcelona. Meanwhile, the global industry leaders prepared for an emergency meeting to find a way and exclude the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker from the European markets.

Warren Buffett warns businessmen in his annual letter not to fear the doom preached by the government budget deficits, stating that we should not be afraid of investing, but heed the warnings from our history and remember that all calamities will again become history:

To ‘protect’ yourself, you might have eschewed stocks and opted instead to buy [3.25] ounces of gold with your $114.75.

[…] You would now have an asset worth about $4,200, less than 1% of what would have been realized from a simple unmanaged investment in American business. The magical metal was no match for the American mettle.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. will lead the initial public offering of Peloton Interactive Inc., according to Bloomberg, who’s not yet familiar with the details since the details are not public at the moment. Nonetheless, this decision could value the startup at over $8 billion.

Theresa May’s decision of delaying the parliamentary vote for Brexit has made the pound volatile this morning. We should expect a deal this week, but the UK Prime Minister also added that she’s not sure they will reach a deal this fast.

Reuters reported that Danaher Corp has just bought the biopharma business from General Electric Co for $21.4 billion, which is a huge asset sale since the news of breaking up the conglomerate last summer. Chief Executive Officer Lawrence Culp stated the following:

A more focused portfolio is the right structure for GE, and we have many options for maximizing shareholder value along the way.

Check back here for the next Monday briefing.

Finance News Personal Finance

Investing Time into Your Business’ Offline Presence

Business in the Modern World

Modern technology has given budding entrepreneurs the chance to start a business with little more than a computerised device. From blogging and vlogging to running an e-commerce site, many businesses are run without the need for physical premises. However, having a web presence is virtually a necessity for all businesses in 2019 – whether or not they have a shopfront or office.

Given the emphasis on technology in the modern world of business, it would be easy to disregard the importance of reaching out and connecting with others. However, the reality is that in order to grow a successful business, it’s essential to maintain a presence outside of your immediate list of contacts; in order to maximise your business’ potential, you need to invest time into networking, learning and exploring new possibilities.

But how often should you attend events and conventions to propel your business forward?

Propelling Your Business Forward

Some people quickly tire of networking or attending business events if they aren’t getting the desired results. The reality is that it often takes a little patience and persistence to establish your own credibility before business comes your way. Consistency of approach is therefore essential to ensure your business’ message is being conveyed effectively.

Ideally, you should set aside at least 2 hours per week to attend a business-focused event or conference. Used effectively, this time will reap great rewards for your business in the long term.

What Kind of Events Should I Attend?

There are a whole host of different events available to all business owners – many of which are free of charge. Ask your contacts and suppliers for recommendations and use a search engine to find events in your local area. As a business owner, there are three main types of event that you should be looking out for:

  • Networking events: Joining an established networking group in your local area can help you to spread the word about your goods and services through referrals and passing business between members.
  • Conventions: Industry-specific business conventions offer great opportunities for like-minded business people to share their knowledge and collaborate in a supportive environment. There are conventions for every imaginable sector, such as this Vape Event which is opening its doors to all those with an interest in Vape
  • Seminars: Business seminars and lectures are another great way to meet like-minded people, whilst learning about the latest industry developments.

Get Yourself Out There!

Overall, no matter what industry you find yourself working in, it’s of vital importance to ‘get yourself out there’ to boost your business’ profile and enhance your credibility.

After all, no-one ever stops learning in business, and a single conversation can change everything.

So what are you waiting for? Which events or conferences will you be attending?

Finance News Tech

The Rise of IoT Devices and the Impact on Business

The Internet of Things was seen as an expensive gimmick at first but the technology has become popular among consumer and industrial clients alike.

In the case of consumers there are already a lot of well-known IoT solutions that can make their life better. For example, they can use smart assistants like Alexa to control various settings in a smart house, like temperature level, light intensity, music volume and much more.

But IoT is able to do so much more. Read below to learn how it can be used to improve the performance of your business.

Access to more data allows better analysis of the workflow

Many businesses opted to install an array of sensors on their production lines, in their warehouses and on delivery vehicles. The information that can be gathered can prevent unexpected damage, lead to the optimization of the line and boost the overall productivity level.

Companies can understand customers better

Cameras and other sensors can reveal important information about customer behavior. This information can be used in order to create effective sales strategies that can significantly influence how many products are sold during a specific campaign and learn what can be done in the future in order to optimize the process.

Reducing maintenance cost

The smart sensors that were previously mentioned are able to anticipate if a particular component will become defective and suggest proactive repairs. The maintenance division will be able to solve the problem faster and the costs of doing the job will be considerably lower.

Providing a superior customer experience

An IoT sensor suit in the form of a camera array will allow companies to provide a superior customer experience that will keep existing customers engaged and attract new customers in the future.

The Internet of Things is already reshaping many aspects of the industry. Those that have already implemented IoT solutions have noticed significant improvements. It is expected that more companies will begin to implement smart protocols in the future.

Finance News

Key Business Considerations for 2019

Last year highlighted that no business – whether great or small – is safe from fluctuations in the economy. Just look at the number of closures that occurred in 2018.

So, how can SMEs and large organisations alike avoid this predicament? What can owners do to guarantee a profitable 2019?

These top business considerations could hold the key to success for this year and beyond.

Seek Out Financial Specialists

An expert in the financial field can help business leaders make the most of their assets from the word go. An expert will also be able to highlight quicker and more cost-effective ways of handling company money, such as prepaid financial services.

In 2019, a year that is predicted to affect the UK economy negatively, the right financial advisor could mean the difference between slump and growth. This is a particularly important consideration for start-ups and smaller agencies.

Boost Online Presence

Whatever their focus, all companies can benefit from having a strong online presence. A decent business website should be clear, subject-specific and engaging. Applying smart SEO practices across an online platform is more likely to maximise google ranking rates. So, it’s worth keeping page content in mind, too.

And luckily, learning tools for this abound on reliable business-specific sources. Given that last year saw non-food sales online rise by 7.5%, website optimisation could increase likelihood of success in 2019 for businesses.

Prioritise Corporate Social Responsibility

A decent business will ensure that all members of staff feel respected, valued and supported in their role. But because of societal norms, fundamental issues like mental health and gender discrimination have been largely ignored in workplaces. Until very recently.

This is mainly down to global movements like the #MeToo campaign – which began in 2017 – and the ramping up of awareness surrounding emotional wellbeing over the past few years. Thanks to these campaigns, there has been a sharp rise in open discussions on these topics in all aspects of society, especially in the corporate world.

Last year, for example, directors of leading organisations like Channel 4 and Royal Mail urged the government to deliver on her promise to prioritise Mental Health support in the UK.

So, time is indeed up for ignoring pressing matters in the workplace. Companies that fail to encourage staff to vocalise their needs could very well languish, this year and beyond.

2018 saw economic shocks, online growth and social movements influence the business world. These changes could very well make for a challenging – but also exciting – 2019. Taking on these considerations for business enhancement, company leaders can look to the year ahead feeling ready to achieve their goals.

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