
YOWhatsApp Update – What Is It and How To Install?

What is YOWhatsApp?

More than a billion people use WhatsApp daily, and although it has a wide variety of features, it may not have everything. YOWhatsapp is a modified apk that offers some advantages, such as turning of blue ticks, changing chat themes, increased app security and others.

Highlighted features

  • Additional privacy options: While conversations are encrypted by default YOWhatsApp allows you to hide your status, disable blue ticks, disable double ticks and much more
  • Built-in app lock: You can lock the app by choosing a pattern, PIN or fingerprint in order to secure your device
  • Contact anyone via messages: You can send messages to people even if they are not on your contact list.
  • Upload full resolution pictures

How to download and install YOWhatsApp

Obviously, the app is not available from Google Play, so you must download the apk from a third party site.

  1. After you download the apk to Settings/Security and toggle on the ‘’Unknown sources ‘’ button. This will allow you to install the apk. Also keep in mind that Android 4.4.2 is the minimum requirement and it will not work on lower Android versions.
  2. Go to downloads and tap on the apk. It will require several permissions. Tap on next and install.
  3. When you open the app for the first time you will have to enter your phone number. You will receive an OTP. Enter the required data and you are good to go!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I run both apps at the same time?

Yes you can.

  • Is the app safe?

Yes because the app uses the same servers as the official Whastapp.

  • Am I able to log-in with the same number in both apps at the same time?

No, you will be asked to log out from one of the apps. But you can use different phone numbers.

  • Can I use Parallel Space to make two YOWhatsApp accounts?

Yes you can, but it is recommended to use several different phone numbers.

  • Is it available for iOS devices?

Not yet, but you may use it with an Android emulator.

Enjoy the experience and give us a like/share for helping you out!

News Tech

Surface Book 3 Latest News So Far – Best 2-in-1 Laptop of the Future

Microsoft made everyone fall in love when they presented the Surface Book. Soon came the Book 2, which was a greater version than the original, becoming one of the best 2-in-1 laptops which ran Windows 10. Now that we know that the Surface Book 3 is coming, we can hardly wait to see what has evolved and what is new.

What we know

The Surface Book 3 will be a 2-in-1 laptop as well. It will be officially launched sometime next year – 2019 -, between September and November. About the price, we couldn’t find out exactly but you should expect it to cost as much – if not more – than what the Book 2 is selling for. Right now, the 13.5 inch Surface Book 2 is selling for $1,119 and the 15 inch version costs about $2,499.

What do we want to see?

First, Microsoft has to fill those 15 inches of space with something necessary. An expanded keyboard, a number pad, speakers with deep bass, anything can be used to make sure there is no wasted space.

Then, the Book 2 is using the Surface connector which is flexible enough, although we would like to see Microsoft include the Thunderbolt 3 via USB-C into their 3rd model. It allows for a faster file transfer and it plays as a hub for all your peripherals.

Next, battery management has to up its game. Although Microsoft told us that this product isn’t meant for gaming necessarily, when you deliver it with a built-in Xbox controller receiver you have to make sure it doesn’t run out of power too quickly.

In terms of display, we would like that the Surface Book 3 would come with 4K media assets, mainly because it is surely becoming the norm. Finally, for that price, Microsoft should go out of its way and include all the necessary accessories in the package, like the Surface Dial with the Surface Pen.

News Tech

WhatsApp for Samsung – How to Fix Any Crashes

There was a time when Samsung phones experienced some problems with WhatsApp, especially on Galaxy S8, where the app was regularly crashing. Luckily, anyone can easily fix these glitches as long as they have the necessary knowledge and tools, so there is no need to worry about these bugs anymore.

How can you fix the errors

One thing that you should note is that whenever you encounter recurrent crashes on a third party app, you have more chances to fix the error by yourself, as what you are experiencing is most likely just a small problem. On the other hand, when a pre-installed app starts acting crazy and you start noticing various errors, then you could have a problem with the firmware. So what can you do in order to fix these crashes? We’ll share you with some of the things that you can do effortlessly in order to put an end to the problem.

Restart your device

The first thing that you should always do whenever you experience a problem with an app is to restart your phone. This will allow all apps that are running in the background to close, and in this way, the memory of your Samsung device will be refreshed.

Try clearing the cache and data of WhatsApp

This is the next step that you should take, as resetting the app will bring it to its default settings. In case there were any corrupted caches and data files within the app, the restart will allow for them to be replaced. Have no worries about this, as this step will not affect any of your data and files, since they are saved in the WhatsApp servers.

If nothing seems to work, uninstall and reinstall the app

Removing and fixing third-party apps is not a difficult task at all, so you can easily try to uninstall the app from your phone if none of the above steps worked for you. Like this, any pre-existing problems with the app will be completely gone. Once you do this, you just have to install the app again.

We know that all Samsung devices seem to encounter some problems with WhatsApp, however, if you use any other Android mobile device, you can use the above-mentioned solutions as well.

News Tech

All 64-Bit Devices Running iOS 10.x Got a New Meridian Jailbreak Released

The new Meridian jailbreak released recently has the ability to support all 64-bit devices running iOS 10.0 – iOS 10.3.3. The jailbreak was developed by Siguza, PsychoTea, & others and its status says it is in pre-release mode. The Meridian IPA, as most public jailbreaks do, needs Cydia Impactor to be installed on your device. You will need to run the app one more time if you reboot in order to to get back your jailbreak.

You might want to try the new Meridian IPA jailbreak if you are still on that iOS 10.x. If you want to check out it GitHub, you can do so here, and you can download it from here

The list of the devices it supports

Meridian IPA has the ability to support all 64-bit devices only if they are running iOS versions between 10.0 and 10.3.3.

How to install Meridian IPA?

  1. Use the link about to access the download site.
  2. Click on the download button.
    3. Use Cydia Impactor to download IPA on your device.
    4. Go to Settings -> General -> Profiles & Device Management to trust the certificate
    5. Click the ‘go’ button after you open the app
    6. Wait.
    7. You can now benefit

Now that you downloaded the Meridian IPA developed by Siguza, PsychoTea, & others, you can now take advantage of all its options. However, be careful how you use it and only download it from the affiliated site. Do not get fooled by other copies unless you want to mess up your device. Follow the instructions thoroughly, and you will be able to use the Meridian IPA however you wish on all 64-bit devices that run in the iOS versions between 10.0 and 10.3.3.

News Tech

Adobe Flash Player Latest Update Download Available

Adobe Flash Player came in with a new version in order to settle the hardware related security issues dangers as a response to the vulnerabilities in popular CPUs recently revealed.

The program will be able to patch a portion of the way the software works in order to settle some of the vulnerabilities that the hardware might have and be disclosed recently.

No matter the platform, the update will be available at the size of 22 megabytes. If you have not already gotten this update, what are you waiting for? After the download is over, run the installer and get going.

What Does the New Update Bring?

The potential danger of Spectre and Meltdown will be mitigated by the new Flesh Update. By default, the shareable property of the ActionScript ByteArray class will be turned off, as decided by the Adobe Flash team. It aims to possibly eliminate or at least reduce these dangers.

This will happen if users do not get ready to enable it without help. By setting ‘EnableInsecureByteArrayShareable’ from 0 to 1, you will be able to override the feature for Flash Player 30 and above. This change can be carried out only by administrators. The team will also add the timer APIs and jitter to the event.

Administrators will finally be able to use the shareable feature on a per-domain basis after this update. Admins will be able to create a whitelist including exceptions to the rule with the help of ‘EnableInsecureByteArrayShareableDomain.’ However, only the IP addresses and domain names will have the setting applied on. Otherwise, a denial will be received no matter the access request. To include a domain name in the whitelist, you only need to use an asterisk wildcard. Along with this update, everything about Adobe Flash Player has become more accessible and safer.

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