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Boost your COD Black Ops 4 Battle Royale Experience with These Sips

Battle royale is here to stay and many AAA developers have already included the popular mode in at least one of their titles. The Blackout mode featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 offers an interesting take and is appreciated by many of its players.

Those that aren’t used to the game mode may face troubles at first but worry not: our guide will teach you all the steps that are needed in order to be the last one standing.

Major strategies:

Prioritize loot discovery

The main goal in any BR game is to gather the best order to increase your offensive and defensive capabilities. Try to land in an area that has reliable loot spawns but be on your guard: many are prime hotspots and it is likely that you will encounter enemies from the moment you land. Visit every building and search every container that can be seen. Looting remains relevant until the end since a level 3 weapon can make a huge difference in the final battle

Be sneaky

Closing your door after you enter in a building should be instinctual. Wandering enemies will believe that the area is free and the chances of a successful ambush will increase. It is also a great way to avoid snipers since they will usually camp open doors and broken windows.  Leaving signs of your presence is a bad idea since some players will attempt pre-emptive moves and dying to a well-placed Molotov cocktail is a bit sad.

Improve your map awareness

Keeping an eye on the circle is always a good idea. This will allow you to stay in the game longer by avoiding a shameful death and you can always snipe some people that are too focused on barely escaping the shrinking zone.

Valuable tips:

Filling your inventory with useless weapons or ammo is not a good idea. Keep what you need and avoid a hoarder strategy that is likely to fail.

Driving vehicles in a great idea if you play with a squad but solo players should stick to walking and running.

Don’t waste your perks. Keep them for as an ace that can be used in a difficult situation.

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