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iOS 11.3.1 Complete Jailbreak Tool is Now Available

Apple recently hosted its WWDC event where it unveiled everything there is to know about iOS 12. The major software update is scheduled to roll out during this fall and this means that jailbreakers need to step up their game if they want to unlock iOS 11.3.1 before Apple stops signing it. Luckily, Abraham Masri managed to create a semi iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak tool which gives us hope that a full version might arrive in the upcoming future.

Houdini iOS 11.3.1 Semi Jailbreak Tool

In case you didn’t know, Abraham Masri is an experienced hacker and developer who loves to take on Apple’s iOS. The developer just launched a Houdini iOS 11.3.1 semi jailbreak tool that uses the iOS exploit which was found by none other than Ian Beer, another prominent personality in the iOS jailbreak community.

Nonetheless, the Houdini tool is renowned for giving iOS fans the ability to access multiple apps, features and functionalities that stock Apple devices are not usually able to run. Unfortunately, this is not a full jailbreak, and this means that Cydia cannot be installed.

Complete Jailbreak Tool

We should mention that Abraham Masri is not the first developer to release a semi jailbreak tool for iOS 11.3.1 since the folks behind Electra managed to do the same thing. On the downside of things, the semi jailbreak doesn’t allow for a complete Cydia installation and it doesn’t fully open iOS to features and functionalities that Apple doesn’t agree with.

Although, having a semi jailbreak tool is better than nothing. Moreover, the semi jailbreak tool also shows that cracking iOS 11.3.1 is possible and that in due time, Houdini or Electra might be able to offer a complete jailbreak. The only thing we can do right now is to wait and hope that Abraham Masri, Ian Beer or other jailbreakers will find new exploits.

News Tech

iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak by Electra – tfp0 Exploit and Ian Beer

Apple puts so many limitations on its iOS operating system that there is an entire community dedicated to breaking it in order to allow users to install Cydia and all other apps that Apple doesn’t agree with on their iPhones and iPads. Fortunately, recent news are showing that Apple fans who are stuck iOS 11 which cannot be jailbroken should consider updating to iOS 11.31 because a jailbreak tool is on the way.

iOS 11.31 Electra Jailbreak

As previously mentioned, there is a dedicated community to jailbreaking iOS devices and Electra is an important member. Electra is a team of developers who are known for creating iOS jailbreak tools when no one else can. Therefore, Apple fans should be happy to know that the official Electra website is saying that an iOS 11.3.1 is coming soon.

The “tfp0” Exploit

“All iOS 11.2 -> 11.3 should get to iOS 11.3.1 ASAP. We do not know yet whether the exploit will work below 11.3.1, so get to 11.3.1 to be safe” said CoolStar who is a member of the Electra team of developers.

Nonetheless, the reason why Electra will be able to crack iOS 11.3.1 is that the team will use the newly unveiled “tfp0” exploit which was announced by Ian Beer. In case you don’t know who Ian Beer is, he is a security researcher that made numerous discoveries which helped hackers crack Apple’s operating system.

Apple Releases iOS 11.4

We should also mention that Apple recently rolled out its latest iOS 11.4 software update which means that the tech giant is looking to stop signing anymore devices on iOS 11.3.1. Therefore, iPhone and iPad owners who are running on an older version of iOS should make sure to update their operating system.

News Tech

iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak Solution To Be Released Soon By Electra

iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak has been announced for release today by the creator of the only jailbreak solution released so far for iOS 11.

iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak is no longer just a wish of those who want to use their iPhones and iPad tablets as they please, but it’s now a reality as it’s are about to be released. The creator of Electra jailbreak solution has announced that it will launch a jailbreak solution for iOS 11.3.1 thanks to the donations it has already received from people.

iOS 11.3.1 is still signed by Apple to install on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, although iOS 11.4 was released a few days ago, so you can quickly downgrade. Electra is the only jailbreak solution for iOS 11 at the moment and is compatible with iOS 11.1.2, but this will change in the near future. The iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak solution will most likely be compatible with iOS 11.1.2, so if you still have it, you should be able to enjoy the software. As usual, we do not know when the iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak solution will be released, but since it was announced by the developer, it is as clear that it will come soon.

iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak will not have official support for Cydia, and this is because the application has not been updated yet for iOS 11, and is unlikely to be. An unofficial version of Cydia has been created for iOS 11 and will be included in the iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak solution that we will be available soon, so just have to be patient.

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