
The New Nintendo 64 Mini Release Date Leaks

The Nintendo 64 mini or N64 mini is a console which used to be so popular among players who provided the mother company with quite some revenue from their product. Unfortunately, no rumor about the Nintendo 64 mini consoled has received official confirmation from the main company, nor other information was provided, but you never know when something on the internet might end up being true. If Nintendo releases the console, it will come with old hit games that everybody misses. It will be the console of our childhood.

As Twitter and Reddit are so used for providing leaks about different topics, we reached out there. It looks like a person who goes by the name of Nacho & Pistachio twitted some pictures of the Nintendo 64 mini console that look pretty real. However, the pictures might not be camera-shot and actually created on a computer. Take a look at these images and share your opinion. Are they real or computer render?

N64 Release Date

If Nintendo announces the existence of this console, then it might be available for purchase by the end of this year if it will be following the previous miniature iterations’ same trend.

N64 Price Details

Taking everything into consideration and especially the fact that no official confirmation has been received for this mini console, we do not know the exact price of the N64 mini. However, we can still make our guesses. If we take into consideration the prices of NES and SNES mini, then this one should be about $100.

It is not too big of a price to pay for a console that would bring back the sweet feeling of childhood that everybody had been abducted from too early. The old games will offer you some relief.

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