There are five more events until the Summer Games Done Quick 2018 will meet its end. 18 hours to go. The last game that is going to run is puwexil in Final Fantasy 6. There are also other runs, which will have a six-player race (which means two teams formed of three players) for Super Mario Maker – here, the games have no clue what’s going to happen next.
So far, Summer Games Done Quick 2018 has reached about $1.2 million for Doctors Without Borders. This is with $500 less than the total gathered last year. But we still have half a day to go through and we still have a $150,000 bounty still pending. If we reach this, it will replace the final setup block with a run of Super Mario Odyssey, brought by NicroVeda. As we all know, NicroVeda was, just up until three days ago, the one that held the world record in the category and game.
There still are other bonus challenges that are still open and that include a Final Fantasy 6 run, which allows GDQ staffer Sumichu to do the famous area of the game.
We present now a list of the events from the final show, that’s going to last until 3:03 a.m tomorrow morning.
12:11 p.m: eddaket in New Super Mario Bros. 2
1:21 p.m: SnowieY101 in Undertale
3:16 p.m: Carl Sagan, grandpoobear, GlitchCat7, failstream, jaku and Cliffy in Super Mario Maker
4:56 p.m: Runnerguy2489 takes on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
6:36 p.m: NicroVeda in Super Mario Odyssey (if the donation goal is met).
7:53 p.m: puwexil in Final Fantasy 6
3:03 a.m: Summer Games Done Quick, this is the final show, where we’re going to take a look at the best moments and runs, even friendships that were made here, at this event.
As far as we know, Awesome Games Done Quick 2019 will come to us in January.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.