The Ultra Bonus reward is utterly enjoyed by Pokemon GO players, and they celebrate it with the increased spawns of Gen 1 and the legendary birds Moltres, Articuno, Raids, and Zapdos.
Excited for something new?
Mewtwo also seems to appear in legendary raids, and Niantic’s timing for it might give us a clue that the mobile game will offer more and more Pokemon appear.
However, Niantic will add Mewtwo to legendary raids at 9 pm BST on 20th of September, and until 9 pm BST on 23rd of October, it will not be missed from the raid battles. This day should also be one of the Halloween events which also got introduces last year in the Gen 3 Pokemon.
Unfortunately, we received no confirmation regarding this information, but maybe Gen 4 will bring players a new Ghost Pokemon for Halloween after 23rd of October and maybe a new legendary raid as well.
A different kind of news
When the header text code was firstly introduced, Pokefans were excited but not that Gen 4 got it removed, they are not as happy with this decision.
Ironically this bit of information was confirmed by renowned Pokemon GO leaked Charles.
Maybe (everybody hopes) that this was included by mistake and the Gen 4 Pokemon GO release is further from us than it seems.
With that being said, speculations do not stop coming, and many online hubs got us excited that the forthcoming Ultra Bonus might have something to do with Gen 4.
Now, as a little bit of advice before ending, do not set your expectations too high. No date was officially announced regarding the Gen 4, and unfortunately for you, we do not expect any to be offered soon either.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.