Clash of Clans and Clash Royale are fairly similar games because they are made by the same developer, but there are some features that make one better than the other. Obviously, there will be many people who compare Clash of Clans with Clash Royale since the two games share the same art style and fun gameplay, but today we are going to find out which one is actually better.
Community Speaks Out
The first thing we checked out when trying to find out which game is better was to ask the gaming community. All comments sounded the same because everyone talked about how they got hooked to Clash of Clans and played lots of hours, but then quickly changed to Clash Royale after finding out what it has to offer.
Therefore, most gamers who tried both games are saying that Clash Royale has the upper hand, especially since a full base can be created quickly in Clash of Clans and players don’t have anything else to do.
Complex Strategies
The most important reason why Clash Royale has an edge over Clash of Clans is because Clash Royale’s gameplay is a little bit more complex. Clash Royale is basically a card game and there are endless card combinations that players can think of in order to defeat their enemies. Not just that but coming up with new combat strategies will make the difference between average players and great players.
Rest Time
The biggest issue that Clash of Clans has is that it’s been designed to keep players online nonstop. This might be fun at first, but Clash of Clans gets too time consuming and no one likes that. On the other hand, Clash Royale gives players somewhere around four to six hours of rest time while chests are being unlocked.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.
Even though Clash of Clans was released back in 2012, there are still many new players who join in every day. Clash of Clans offers a fun gameplay experience that despite first appearances, it’s quite complex. The game features lots of troops and buildings that players can use to create strategies in order to defeat their foes and support their Clan members in times of war.
On the downside of things, the game might seem a little bit challenging to new players since veteran players have already figured out what type of strategies to use. Therefore, today we are going to give Clash of Clans fans a quick rundown on how to defend themselves.
Defensive Structures
The first thing that new Clash of Clans players need to do is to achieve Town Hall level 3. The reason why this is so important is because Town Hall 3 gives players access to three of the most important defensive structures: the archer tower, the cannon and the mortar.
While these defensive structures might seem basic, cleverly placing them around the Town Hall will provide great defense, especially against troops such as archers and barbarians. In addition, players should try and build lots of cannons since they offer an all-ground defense.
Building Walls
As the city starts growing, Clash of Clans players will find that there are some buildings which they need to protect more than others and here is where walls come in. Even though they might be the most basic defense structure, we advise new players to try and get creative with them like building mazes for example. A great tip we have for Clash of Clans players who are looking to take their battle strategies to the next level is to put down many walls at the same time because they don’t take any time to build.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.
This week is shaping out to be a whirlwind of new information coming to the fans in the Pokémon community. Today we will be talking all about the recent trailers for Pokémon Let’s Go and Let’s Go Eevee. We’ll also go into more detail about the new free Pokémon Quest game and some sneaky tactics that Niantic has set in place to ensure that players will not get their Pokémons through illicit ways. Tune in to find out all of the details about these games.
April Fool’s reality
Usually, the 1st of April is a day dedicated to making pranks on people, as loud and as outrageous as possible. When big brands join into this fun celebration or when people post some news regarding a recent release on this day, it is only natural that it would be taken as a hoax. Except that this time the fake leak turned out to be the truth after all.
For a long time, fans have been teased that a new Pokémon RPG game will be released in 2019. The game is said to stay close to the classic gaming experience. Let’s Go, Pikachu! And Let’s Go, Eevee!, on the other hand, are games that will be released this year, so it is natural that the spotlight is on them.
The April fool’s post was initially uploaded on 4chan, and people naturally thought that it was a hoax. When the same post surfaced sometime later and only then did people start to collect the dots. It is being said that the person who made this leak was close to the project since it released some information that even Niantic did not officially announce as of yet. For instance, we now know that there will be two editions of the RPG game which will be integrated with Pokémon Go. We will also get a new Pokéball Plus controller which is said to look very flashy.
Pokémon Let’s Go and Pokémon Yellow Side
Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee are both going to be released on the 16th of November exclusively on Nintendo Switch. The game is going to focus on allowing fans to revisit some favorite locations in the game. Yes, their design has been a bit revamped, but they are still recognizable.
The first trailer showed some iconic spots that are said to be part of the game. For those of you that did not immediately recognize them, a fan of the series decided to spend some time and create a collage which shows the classic spots and the trailer revamped versions.
Yes, Nintendo Switch is not as flashy and as powerful graphics wise as the PS4 or the Xbox One but these two games have graphics tame enough to look good on the small portable console.
Pokémon Quest is one of the best
If you are a fan of the series, but you do not have the money to spend on some of the more important game installments, then we recommend that you give Pokémon Quest a try. The game is set on the Tumblecube island, and it seems to follow the boxy trend set it stone (pun not intended) by Minecraft. At the start of the game, you make a friend of choice (Squirttle, Bulbasaur or Charmander) after which you start the journey of going through level after level. What makes the game fun is that you can equip three Pokémons which each have two moves to choose in a battle situation.
During the battle, you can pick up two stones: the red one which helps boost your attack and the blue one which gives you some HP. If you want to have a smoother gaming experience, Niantic is there for you, by giving you an auto option during fights. However, there is a battery in the game which slowly gets depleted after a certain number of battles, and it needs time to recharge. Yes, there are in-tickets available to fix that problem paid with real cash, but the problem is not that noticeable to need this.
No more cheating
Niantic just made a Twitter announcement that will probably anger some players. The studio just announced that, if one user decides to employ some third-party location services to get a rare Pokémon that is not found in their location, that Pokémon becomes useless. By useless they mean that the player cannot upgrade it, sell it or even use it in battles.
It will just be a gray part of his or her collection. This move comes at the right time since some player has made a habit out of using these third-party apps to build an astonishing Pokémon collection and become strong in a matter of days. This practice takes away from the fun of going out and exploring, trying to find a Pokémon on your own.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.
Pokemon GO is a great game that gives players a chance to live out their childhood dream of exploring the world and catching Pokemon at the same time. Niantic Labs took the mobile gaming industry by storm when it implemented AR (augmented reality) technology into Pokemon GO, but things get even better than this. Niantic Labs regularly updates the game which gives players a reason to keep coming back. Talking about new updates, Pokemon GO fans should get ready for some new customization options!
New Clothing Items
Truth be told, the avatars in Pokemon GO are not that amazing. People don’t have too many customization options, but things are looking to change. Niantic Labs recently announced that it wants to celebrate Legendary Pokemon by launching a couple of cool shirts that players will be able to obtain and equip dress up their in-game avatars. Moreover, there are two shirts available right now and they both cost 250 Pokemon Coins each.
The Mew Shirt
Mew is one of the most popular Pokemon in the game and it should come as no surprise that Niantic Labs created a pink shirt with him on it. The shirt features a pink background and Mew is colored in white and placed on the front side.
Latias and Latios Shirt
The second shirt that Pokemon fans can acquire for 250 Pokemon Coins features both Latias and Latios. This shirt is black and the two Pokemon are also placed on the front side in red and blue colors.
Field Research Encounter June Rewards
Even though Niantic Labs didn’t plan on unveiling anything about this, data miners managed to “dig” out code lines which point towards the fact that the game developer plans to introduce new rewards for Field Research Encounters such as increased changes of catching Dratini and Chansey.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.
Even though Half-Life 2 was originally launched back in 2004, the game still has a huge fan base. In fact, one of the most popular memes in the gaming community is related to Gaben Newell (CEO of Valve) who keeps teasing that Half-Life 3 is being developed but sadly, the game never comes out. With that being said, it should come as no surprise that a dedicated Half Life fan decided to map out Half-Life 2’s City 17.
City 17 Atlas Map
Ask any fan of the Half-Life franchise which city they loved the most and they will tell you that it is City 17. Considering the fact that Half-Life 2 was launched back in 2004 when games didn’t feature huge maps and great graphics, everyone was left in awe after visiting City 17.
Konstantinos Dimopoulos is game designer that has a PhD in urban planning and he used his expertise to create an atlas of City 17. Yes, you read that right! Konstantin Dimopoulos created a detailed map of Half-Life 2’s City 17 and everyone can check it out for free.
Game Designer Speaks Out
“City 17 is one o the most successful, coherent, economically designed, and memorable urban environments ever crafter” said the game designer. “The imposing alien tower, the Citadel, instantly sets the tone, and acts as a major landmark that keeps players both oriented and focused on their goal. Combined with a network of minor landmarks consisting of elements like the station square’s obelisk or the horse statue it makes the city easy to mentally map, and thus legible.” added Konstantinos Dimopoulos.
Virtual City
Konstantinos Dimopoulos is a huge fan of Half-Life 2, but that’s not the only game he loves playing. The game designer said that he is currently working on creating a virtual city map of Grand Theft Auto: Los Santos’s Map, but the atlas map is still in development.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.