Crypto News

Google Ex-CEO Believes That Ethereum (ETH) Blockchain Is The Most Promising In The Crypto Market

The Google ex-CEO, Eric Schmidt pointed out that Ethereum (ETH) is a blockchain of greater potential than others, especially for its flexibility to construct multiple solutions on its network, a case of extremely significant use that other projects of this nature lack.

Schmidt stated that during a live interview with the economist Tyler Cowen, which was organized by Village Global in the city of San Francisco, in the United States. When asked if he considered blockchain technology as overvalued or undervalued, Schmidt assured that its public use is overrated, but its more technical implementation is undervalued.

According to him, nowadays the blockchain technology is beneficial for the financial exchange, having successful public examples like Bitcoin (BTC), but also being a fundamental part of private banking transactions, when it is necessary to solve trust problems between the parties.

Google Ex-CEO Believes That Ethereum (ETH) Blockchain Is The Most Promising In The Crypto Market

“I think one of the most exciting things that are happening is the beginning of the construction on the blockchains; the most obvious example is the capacity of Ethereum (ETH). And if Ethereum manages to find a way to make a global synchronization of that activity, that’s a pretty powerful platform. That’s a really new invention,” said Eric Schmidt, Google Ex-CEO.

“Bitcoin (BTC) is a remarkable cryptographic achievement. The ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value,” Schmidt said at the time. Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks, would have been the one who introduced Bitcoin (BTC) to Schmidt in 2011, as he admitted, urging him to use BTC.

At Google, co-founder Sergey Brin, as well as the current CEO, Sundar Pichai, have both declared themselves interested in cryptocurrency, and even their children, although minors, already mine Ethereum (ETH).

Other technology enthusiasts have also admitted themselves as cryptocurrency fans. For example, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey even went so far as to say that he hopes Bitcoin (BTC) would become the Internet’s native currency.

News Tech

Overcoming Fear of Failure in Ecommerce

“What if I build the site and it gets no traffic?”

What if the site gets too much traffic and I can’t keep up with the demand?”

What if you squash those fears and put your plan into action regardless?

Overcoming fear of failure in ecommerce is something every online entrepreneur has to grapple with at some point. Your best chance, whether you’re launching ebooks online stores, a new software platform or the next eBay is to stop tripping and get at it.

Here’s how others have done so.

Conduct Research

There are known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Further, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. What’s more, just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean things aren’t liable to fail. To mitigate these factors, conduct some research around your idea to find the best strategy for executing it. You’ll feel more comfortable proceeding when you’ve found the key data upon which you can base your decisions. Just be careful to avoid falling into paralysis by analysis, in which you spend so much time researching your idea you never get it off the ground.

Create a Business Plan

While a business plan is usually thought of in terms of getting others to invest in your venture, it’s also good for getting you to invest in your venture. Writing a plan for developing your ebooks online stores, or any other venture for that matter, will help you uncover the obstacles you’ll need to overcome. Having worked them through on paper will make navigating them easier when they emerge. Furthermore, breaking the project into its constituent parts and setting goals around them will provide you with a yardstick by which you can observe your successes as you proceed.

Keeping “Failures” in Perspective

During the course of developing the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell found many ways it wouldn’t work. He is quoted as having said; “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

In other words, failures are nothing more than ways ideas won’t work. And yes, there will always be many of them. Learn from them, but don’t dwell upon them. All you really need to find is one way the idea will work and you’ll be good to go.

Keep looking.

What Happens if You Don’t Try?

Many people try to disguise their fear by hiding behind the amount of time it could take to get something off the ground. Let’s say you get an idea for an ecommerce bookstore at the age of 25. Researching it, you determine it will take five years to get it up running and on the path to success. That means you’d be 30 by the time the idea is paying off.

Here’s the billion-dollar question; how old would you be in five years if you didn’t pursue the idea? Yes, you’d be 30 regardless. The difference is you’ll either be 30 with your idea up and running, or you’ll be 30 without it working for you. Time won’t stop just because you don’t try.

Overcoming fear of failure in ecommerce is much easier when you consider these four tips. Of course, the best way to get over being afraid of something is to live through it. If you don’t try, you’ll never know if you could have been successful or not. Giving it your best shot, while keeping these ideas in mind, will give you a better go of it.

And, for the record, everybody is afraid the first time.

News Tech

When Do We Get an iOS 12.0.1 Jailbreak?

We’re still here – all the people that waited for the iOS 12 jailbreak tool for months (we still do), but there’s no sign on it anywhere. However, this does not mean that the developers are not interested in it. Apple introduced us to the iOS 12 software and the A12 Bionic chip, so it’s much harder than before actually to jailbreak iPads or iPhones. One of the developers found and made the most out of an iOS 12.0.1 WebKit RCE bug that can be the basis of a new iOS 12.0.1 jailbreak somewhere in the future.

Is it really going to happen?

A Korean user called Ahn Ki Chan posted on Twitter that the developer named Kudima, also known as BigD got a WebKit RCE to exploit to the GitHub repository. This exploit works with 12.0.1, which means that there’s still a little hope that there will be an iOS 12.1.0 jailbreak. It also makes us understand that Apple patched the bug in the iOS 12.1, which was recently released and which came with brand new features and fixed issues – they finally solved Group FaceTime.

In the tweet, Chan said that Kudima submitted another Webkit RCE exploit to the repository and that he wrote the whole exploit together with a very detailed annotation, which can face iOS 12.0.1.

Kudima is very popular in the jailbreaking community. There’s another security researcher that’s quite known, that’s named Niklas B, who also praised Kudima, saying that the annotations and exploits are useful. In August, Kudima had submitted an annotated WebKit info leak exploit, that was meant for the iOS 11.4.1. The newest exploit given to us by the BigD is one step forward into the long journey that we have to deal with to get a released public iOS 12.0.1 jailbreak.

News Tech

Should We Get a Dark Mode for iOS 13 and Its Apps?

We all know that apps drain out our batteries from our phones really bad. But there’s also proof that apps, when used with darker colors, such as gray or black, drain less battery. We think we can make the most out of that.

It happened at a recent Android Dev Summit event, when Google talked about the colors that are used in the apps, and how they have a huge impact on the battery life of the smartphone, and how bright colors, include white, help us say goodbye to our batteries.

Google made a test

They used an original Pixel phone to see how and what was draining the battery. Brightness represented one of the factors (and it’s an obvious one). Every human being literally knows that if your screen in bright, your battery depletes faster.

But the important thing is actually the use of color. If you choose to switch to night mode, you’ll help in conserving the life of the battery.

It might not be that noticeable on the phones that have LCD screens, as the whole display is backlit, but when it comes to power savings from phones that have OLED display, such an iPhone X, Samsung, Pixels, we can see a difference. This happens because the OLED screens are not exactly backlit like LCD screens are. They have a uniform level of brightness. With OLED screen, you get an on and off state. So the pixel turns on and uses power when there’s any other color but black. The black pixel is off, hence blacks are important when it comes to the OLED screen, in comparison with LCDs – they are not even lit up.

This is why we need a dark mode, or apps that have the choice to use the dark mode.

News Tech

iPad Mini has an Interesting Role in in its Line – It’s the Most Suitable for Educational Purposes

iPad Mini users have been waiting for their favorite device’s 5th generation for three years. So far, there was no sign that is planning to release the iPad Mini 5, but as we’re heading towards 2019, rumors about the launch of a new item in the iPad Mini line-up are becoming more and more realistic.

In some way, this device paved the way to larger iPhones generation. iPad Minis have evolved a lot since the 1st to the 4th version, which we can use today. Even if the device hasn’t been updated in 3 years, it still remains suitable for educational use.

Kids and parents love iPad Minis

Now that the iPad Mini 5 is getting closer and closer, let’s see why students and parents think that this line of devices from Apple is the most suitable for educational purposes. We will analyze iPad Mini 4’s features.

Even if the Mini version is not as powerful as the larger iPads (with A8 chip and 2GB of RAM), children rather use the aforementioned device instead of bigger versions. Also, the iPad Mini has a few ”fit for school” specs.

  • Thanks to its 7.9 inch size, the tablet offers a better experience while reading eBooks;
  • You can use the iPad Mini even in cramped spaces, so it’s perfect if you want to watch a movie or videos while you are traveling on an airplane. Besides, iPad Mini 4 can easily handle this type of activity, even if the screen needs some improvements;
  • Kids can use the iPad for taking notes or drawing.

Predictions for the future

If we were to consider the trends from the tech market, we would expect to see an iPad Mini 5 with A10 chip and that could support all models of Apple Pencils. Until we learn more and actually get to see the new device, all we can do is wait.

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