News Tech

How to Solve Windows 10 100% Disk Usage Issues

What causes the problems?

The System and compressed memory process is the usual culprit when high CPU and disk usage are observed. While normally it uses reduced resources, certain problems lead to the process overloading the disk to 100% slowing everything to a crawl. There are to main reasons that may cause the process to go haywire: poorly configured virtual memory settings or core Windows files are corrupted. In order to fix the problem, follow the advice below:

  1. Restore paging file size to default

On Windows 10, the paging file size for all drives is automatically managed by the OS in order to assure the best performance possible. While tech-savvy users may opt to enter custom values,  restricting the size below a recommended limit may cause the System and compressed memory to malfunction, which will lead to the notorious 100% disk usage. You changed the paging file sizes, reverting to default rules is the optimum solution.

  1. Open the Start Menu. Search for performance and select ‘’Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows’’ from the list
  2. Select the Performance Options Window then click on the Advanced tab
  3. Click on the Change… button and tick the ‘’Automatically manage page file for all drives option’’
  4. Click OK, and on Apply and OK in the performance menu
  5. Reboot the system and the issue should be soled
  6. Disable the system and compressed memory process
  7. Go to Start/Control Panel/ Administrative Tools/Task Scheduler
  8. Select the Task Schedule Library from the list
  9. Select Microsoft and after the lists expands select Windows
  10. Select MemoryDiagnostic and right click on RunFulllMemoryDiagnostic Entry
  11. Choose Disable, close the window and reboot your PC

If A and B did not work, have no fear. There are plenty of solutions left for you to try. One of the is guaranteed to fix your problem

  1. Disable the Superfetc h service

Designed to maintain and improve performance of the system over time, the Superfetch service may sometimes by the cause of your disk woes. There are multiple ways to disable the service, with themost popular listed below:

Method 1: Disable Superfetch from the Service manager

  1. Start a Run instance by searching for it in the Start menu or pressing the Windows key and R
  2. Type services.msc and press enter. A window named Services will open
  3. Search for Superfetch
  4. Click on Stop and set the Startup type do disabled
  5. Click on both Apply and OK
  6. Reboot your system

Disable Superfetch using the Registry Editor

  1. Open Run
  2. Type regedit and press enter
  3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Session Manager > Memory Management
  4. Click on the PrefetchParamters under Memory Management
  5. Locate and double click on the value named Registry Editor. Change the value to 0
  6. Click on OK and reboot your system

D: Stop the Speech Runtime Executable process

  1. Launch Task Manager via the Start Menu or CTRL-Shift-Esc
  2. Go to the Processes tab and find the Speech Runtime Executable
  3. Select the process and end the task

Disk load should decrease considerably if this was the issue

  1. Check for faulty RAM

In some cases the issues may be caused by a faulty RAM stick. Buy or borrow a compatible RAM stick. Swap each stick of RAM, one at a time, and restart the system. If after you took out a particular stick, the system performs better, that stick may be damaged and the cause of the overload.

Other potential causes and solutions.

If you upgraded several times from one version of the OS to another (Windows 7/8/10) without a clean install, there may be permission conflicts depending on the status of the account before the update. A clean installation may fix your issues and give your system a fresh start.

News Tech

New PUBG Update Introduces Dynamic Weather and Changes How Hit Boxes Work

PUBG was the first ever Battle Royale game to become a major success, but it’s placed as the most popular shooter game in the world was soon taken by Fortnite. PUBG’s developers have been working hard to create new features, content and in-game mechanics to help the game compete against Fortnite which is currently considered as a cultural phenomenon.

Introducing Dynamic Weather

With that being said, the developers who are in charge of PUBG have recently released a new update for the PC version of the game and it introduces dynamic weather to the Erangel and Miramar maps alongside other cool features. We should also mention that the river banks of Erangel have now been modified to cover around the Sosnovka Military base.

Changing Hit Boxes

The biggest issue that PUBG has are hitboxes. Players keep complaining that they get killed by their enemies when the bullets shouldn’t even hit them, but it looks like the developers have been listening to the feedback. The reason we are saying this is because the new update changes how the hit boxes work and bullets have been altered to hit flailing arms first instead of registering the damage directly to the body.

“This penetration system works for the head, torso, and waist only. If a bullet penetrates the forearm, but no vulnerable body part is behind it, only the forearm damage will be applied,” said the developers in a recent blogpost.

Miramar Sunset

One of the coolest things to be added alongside the new update is targeted directly to Miaramar. PUBG fans should be happy to know that this map will now feature sunsets and that the dynamic weather will play an important role because the sunset will blind players who are looking at it.

Crypto News Tech

Microsoft Azure Launched A Platform Based On Proof Of Authority Protocol On The Ethereum (ETH) Network

Microsoft Azure announced on Tuesday in a blog post the launch of a licensed cloud computing platform based on Ethereum (ETH) network but having the Proof of Work protocol replaced with the Proof of Authority.

Proof of Work Vs. Proof of Authority

Cody Born, a software engineer at Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, explains in the release note that the Proof of Work (PoW) protocol, used by Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) blockchains, is based on computing costs for the self-regulation of those networks and to allow open participation.

Proof of Authority, on the other hand, does not require such costs and is more suitable for private blockchain networks.

The PoW works very well in open, anonymous networks, where competition for cryptocurrencies promotes network security. However, in private networks the underlying Ethereum (ETH) technology is worthless. An alternative protocol, Proof of Authority, is more suitable for permissible networks where all consensus participants are known. If there is no need to mine cryptos, Proof of Authority is more efficient, while maintaining fault tolerance.

Cody Born, Software Engineer at Microsoft Azure

Also noteworthy is that the Proof of Work is a consensus mechanism in which the miners compete in the resolution of a cryptographic task and when a miner finds the answer he or she diffuses it to all the participating nodes. For this, the miners obtain a certain amount of the respective crypto as a reward.

The Proof of Authority, on the other hand, is based on a set of Trusted Nodes, known as “authorities,” which are given the ability to secure the blockchain through transaction verification and to create new blocks. The validation of the transactions in the new blocks is done similarly as in the cases of Proof of Work, but without mining.

Microsoft Azure launched a platform based on Ethereum (ETH) blockchain that runs with Proof of Authority protocol

Microsoft, which focuses its decentralized solutions proposal on private blockchains, will use a development platform for Ethereum (ETH), Parity, which allows smart contracts to be programmed in widely used languages such as C, C++, and Rust.

Although there are projects within Microsoft using the language created for Ethereum (ETH), Solidity, Cody Born,  Software Engineer at Microsoft Azure, says that corporate clients find this language very difficult to handle.

Microsoft Azure has previously served to develop innovative applications with blockchain for different companies. One of them was Renault, which used it to create a vehicle maintenance application.

On the other hand, several financial institutions have also used Microsoft Azure to improve their operations processes.

Crypto News Tech

Opera Browser With A Built-In Crypto Wallet Launched For Computers

The new version of the Opera browser for computers will include a crypto wallet, a feature they had already added in their release for mobile devices. Users of this browser will be able to synchronize their existing portfolio with this new update by merely scanning a QR code.

Users will be able to link their desktop wallet to their mobile devices so that private keys and passwords can be stored on the phone. The user will be able to sign transactions with “his fingerprints instead of using long phrases” to improve security, according to the statement. The new version is available since yesterday.

The Opera browser sums up more than 320 million users worldwide and is one of the most widely appreciated and secure Internet browsers out there. Opera even added a feature to prevent cryptojacking.

With its implementation on both supports, Opera becomes the first of the primary providers of this type of service to adopt cryptocurrency. Also, Opera crypto wallet could provide an impetus for other companies in the industry to make similar decisions.

Opera browser with a built-in crypto wallet tries to keep the things as decentralized as possible

By adding a crypto wallet directly in the browser, we eliminate the need for complex extensions or separate applications. Open the PC browser to encrypt the second step of Opera towards the creation of cryptocurrency and mainstream Web 3.0.

Charles Hamel, Product Manager for the new Opera browser with built-in crypto wallet

The sync between the desktop version of the new crypto-related Opera and the mobile version would permit users to keep their private keys locked securely. The storage of private keys and other sensitive information, however, remains the responsibility of the user, as Opera will not work with a centralized server to manage this kind of data.

As with the mobile application, the desktop client will support Ethereum (ETH) tokens, as well as digital collectible items created on this network, including CryptoKitties and collectible MLB tokens. Also, the crypto tokens generated in Initial Currency Offers (ICOs) can be stored using the Opera crypto wallet.

“Today’s web will be the interface to the decentralized network of the future. That’s why we have chosen to use our browser to close the gap,” said Hamel during the press conference that announced the launch of the mobile version of the Opera browser with the built-in crypto wallet.

News Tech

Surface Pro 3 Receives Firmware Update that Improves Device Security

Microsoft has been keeping quite busy this past couple of days. The tech giant rolled out important firmware updates to Surface Book 2, Surface Pro 4, Surface Laptop and Surface Pro (2017). However, there is one Surface Pro device that didn’t receive the same treatment from Microsoft. The device we are talking about is called Surface Pro 3.

Surface Pro 3 Firmware Update

While Microsoft was rolling out important firmware updates to the previously mentioned Surface devices, Surface Pro 3 was being left behind. This angered the community and people kept making posts on the community forum and asked Microsoft to deliver firmware updates to Surface Pro 3 as well. Fortunately, Microsoft listened to the feedback it received and rolled out a new firmware update for Surface Pro 3.

Improved System Stability

The new update that Surface Pro 3 owners are receiving OTA (over the air) sports the “Surface UEFI – Firmware 3.11.2450.0” version number and Microsoft says that it will improve device security. Unfortunately, this is the only thing that Microsoft had to say about the latest firmware update and its highly unlikely that it will introduce any new features.

High-End Tablet

Surface Pro 3 is one of the most successful tablets that Microsoft launched and this is why the community was surprised to see that its not a top priority when it comes to firmware updates. Nonetheless, Surface Pro 3 was announced on May 20th, 2014 and it shipped with a massive 12.0-inches display that uses IPS LCD technology.

While the display might be impressive, the most important hardware part that Surface Pro 3 has to offer is the Intel Core i7 CPU that hides beneath its hood. The CPU is paired with 8GB of RAM and 512GB of internal storage space.

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