Markets News Tech

How to Increase Computer Speed on Windows 10 Computers

Are you wondering how to increase computer speed on Windows 10? Don’t worry! we have prepared this post just for you!

Windows 10, as the most advanced version of Windows, is significantly faster than Windows 8.1/8/7 and older. The interesting thing is; you can still tweak your Windows 10 PC to make it run even faster. And we’ll be showing you how to do this in this tutorial.

Tips to Increase Computer Speed Windows 10

Update OS and Drivers

For optimum performance, ensure your OS and software/hardware drivers are up-to-date. While some computer are auto-updated (when new updates are released), you can check for available updates once in a while.

Limit Startup Programs

If you have many programs that run on startup, you are bound to encounter system lag. Hence, allow only relevant programs to start up with your PC. This would reduce the resource usage of your PC, which consequently speeds it up.

Scan for Malwares

This is very vital towards improving system performance. If your system is somehow infected with malwares (viruses), you are bound to encounter reduced system function/performance.

To improve performance, in this case, you’d have to scan for malwares and clear them off. You can employ any standard antivirus program (like AVG) for this.

Free Up Disk Space

This is especially important if a system is congested or cluttered, in which case, you’d definitely experience system lag or reduced performance.

To resolve this, check your disk space/storage under System > Storage, and see if it’s low. If it is, free up space by clearing out Recycle Bin and other apps/files you don’t need.

Adjust Appearance in Performance Options

There is an option on Windows 10, which adjusts appearance (in Visual Effects) to improve system performance.

To enable this option:

  • Go to the Start menu;
  • Type in “performance” in the box; and press Enter;
  • Select Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows;
  • Go to the Visual Effects tab and select Adjust for best performance; and
  • Follow the prompt commands to finish up the process.

Run System Restore

This process would reverse recent changes made to your PC. By running system restore, recent apps, updates and drivers among others would be removed. However, your personal files would not be touched.

Other Tips

  • Moderate/adjust RAM usage
  • Open only few apps you need at a time.
  • Adjust power settings (to high performance)
  • Restart computer regularly
  • And more.

Hope you were able to improve your computer speed on Windows 10? Drop us a comment to let us know.

News Tech

GBWhatsApp Update To Come Out Soon With Anti-Ban Features

Everything has begun with some GBWhatsApp users getting banned. Since the issue has started to go viral, the GBWhatsApp community has started to panic. The GBWhatsApp community is composed of a base of millions of daily active users, and GB WhatsApp is on top of the modded versions of the original WhatsApp. But what happened precisely, and what is the problem with the ban?

WhatsApp bans GBWhatsApp users

The story started last month when a couple of GBWhatsApp and other modded WhatsApp users have been receiving a ban for Validation of WhatsApp’s official terms. These users have reported their problem, but at first look, nothing seemed alarming. Later after that, more and more users of the modded WhatsApp were receiving a ban for Validation of the official terms. The modded versions that are receiving ban are WhatsApp Plus YOWhatsApp, FMWhatsApp, and OG WhatsApp.

However, the uncertainty was floating in the air for GBWhatsApp users. Some of them have uninstalled the app, other users are keeping it, but they are afraid of getting banned at any time. Even if the latest May 2019 update for GBWhatsApp was received, that couldn’t stop users of getting banned.

GBWhatsApp Update To Come With Anti-Ban Features

On the other hand, we know some information from the team behind the GBWhatsApp, and the good news is coming. The developer team of GBWhatsApp is working on releasing an update for this popular WhatsApp mod. The latest GBWhatsApp version will come with an anti-ban feature for preventing WhatsApp from banning GBWhatsApp users. They have declared that they don’t know how this happened, but they are working to resolve it.

Finally, the developers are perfecting the anti-ban feature and now are currently in the testing phase. We still don’t know the reason behind GBWhatsApp ban; some rumors are saying that the Elections from India had something to do with it. Until then, the users must understand that, in a few weeks, GBWhatsApp update with anti-ban features will roll out.

News Tech

zMovies Emerges As An Excellent Way To Watch And Download Online Movies

More on more people are talking about the advantages of zMovies, and if you are curious about it, we can explain it to you. zMovies is another online source for various movie genres, and it’s quite popular. The list of movies provided is massive, and you will find them in chronological order according to the relevance or the date of release. Give a search after you read this article and see what you can find. Also, zMovies is useful to download online movies.

Watch and Download Online Movies With zMovies

With zMovies you can watch TV series, favorite Hollywood movies, and various genres to choose from, such as mystery, horror, drama, comedy, documentary, action, biography and so on. Unfortunately, the only disadvantage of zMovies is the geographical limitation. In rest, you have the possibility of watching and downloading movies in HD format, all the films or series are updated on time, and everything is free.

However, if you access the link to zMovies website, you will need to register first and then you can watch it. For the registration, you will be asked about your details, including an email address or credit card. Do not get alarmed! The credit card registration is required only for the users that want to upgrade to Premium membership.

zMovies Respects Users’ Security and Privacy

Also, your security online on the website is guaranteed. zMovies use encryption technology, and your personal information is encrypted with Secure Sockets Layering. All the information you give to the site are encrypted before they go online, and everything is password-protected.

Finally, you could find another way of watching movies online, and is called This source is an alternative for watching online content; it is an alternative source for, the one that we have discussed in this article. But unfortunately, both sites can be doubted because they are unable to provide information about zMovies being the same with

Games News Tech

Plants vs Zombies: Tips & Tricks for Beginners

This article brings you some tips and tricks for beginners, to help you get started on Plants vs Zombies.

Plants vs Zombies has been around for quite some time now; having been a popular smartphone game for almost a decade. Over this period, it’s been the ultimate choice of many mobile gamers across the globe.

Therefore, if you’re a beginner looking for ways around this game, follow through this article.

Tips & Tricks for Beginners on Plants vs Zombies

Tips for Plants vs Zombies 1

For beginners on the original version of Plants vs Zombies, the tips are as follow:

  • Be attentive and proactive: try and identify which zombies would attack you and select the appropriate plants to combat them.
  • Make use of your “Almanac”; the “Almanac” shows the weaknesses of each zombie you’ve encountered/destroyed.
  • Plan and protect your Sunflowers: you can plant rows of Sunflowers at the back of your lawn.
  • While playing a level in the pool, use the “cat of nine tails” attack to kill off zombies.
  • Use the umbrella leaf to protect your plants against “bungee zombies”.
  • Reset time/date one day ahead to grow plants immediately.
  • Make quick money by playing the Last Stand
  • Ensure one spot is always left unoccupied in your “Zen Garden”.
  • Ensure you have up to 10 chocolates at all times: you can play the Whack-a-zombie challenge to replenish (when depleted).
  • Farm the Yeti zombie as many times as you can to earn more diamonds; restart each level until you see the Yeti zombie in the level’s preview.
  • In a water level, find water plants.

Tips for Plants vs Zombies 2

Plants vs Zombies 2 came with few changes to the original version.

Below are some tips to aid beginners on the game:

  • Take note of each zombie’s path and attack pattern; you would notice this pattern after few trials.
  • Plant Spike weeds or Potato mine in front of wall nuts; wall nuts block zombies advancement, and the spike weeds or potato mine destroys the blocked zombies.
  • Place wall nuts in front of your sunflowers to protect them.
  • Replay levels as many times as you can to unlock new worlds.
  • Stuck in “Pirate World Last Stand 3”? Use “Bonk Choy” and Spike weeds to survive.

In conclusion, all the aforementioned tips should help you acclimatize easily with the Plants vs Zombies game. Hope you were able to pick a tip or two? Drop us a comment below.

Games News Tech

How to Fix Connection Problems in Brawl Stars

This tutorial is a how-to guide to fix connection problems in Brawl Stars.

Brawl Stars has redefined mobile gaming, and so far, gamers have been thrilled with the story-play, as well as the sublime graphical interface of the game. However, one area that has generated so many negative reviews is the recurrent connection errors.

Hence, in an attempt to find a lasting solution to this issue, we’ll be bringing you a couple of fixes to resolve the issue.

Fix: Connection Problems in Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars requires strong internet connection to function properly, and where/when such is unavailable (or where the internet connection is unstable), you are bound to encounter connection error.

To fix this, there are two basic solutions, both of which have been described below.

Fix 1: Troubleshoot Internet Connection

If your location and the surrounding areas generally have weak internet signal, maybe due to the topography or distance from the mast, you are likely to encounter this connection error quite often. In this case, there is little you can do, except to change to an ISP with strong internet signal.

However, in the event that there is strong internet signal on your smartphone, and you still encounter these connection problems, the problem could be from your phone’s internet network. In this case, you can try and troubleshoot the internet connection, as described below:

  • Exit Brawl Stars and disable internet connection.
  • Restart your phone or set it to Airplane mode (for some minutes).
  • After your phone has rebooted or after you’ve disabled Airplane mode, reconnect to the internet.
  • Launch Brawl Stars again.
  • Check if the connection problem is fixed.

If the error persists, you can try the next fix.

Fix 2: Play via an Android Emulator on PC

As a Brawl Stars enthusiast, the recurring connection error could be a little frustrating. Hence, you can install an Android emulator on your PC, and ensure the PC is connected to a strong Wi-Fi network. This offers better internet connectivity and you should now be able to enjoy the game unhindered.

If the connection problem still occurs, and you are able to access other apps and browse just fine, don’t fret; the problem is probably from Brawl Stars’ server, which, as gathered, is still unstable.

Hope you find this helpful? Let us know by dropping a comment below.

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