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The iOS 12 Jailbreak is Nowhere after Alibaba’s Cybersecurity Division

The cybersecurity division of Alibaba suggests that iOS 12 has been successfully jailbroken not so long after the new system upgrade got released to the public by Apple.

They got a video posted on their Weibo account which shows how the team is launching a jailbreak app on an iPhone X which runs on iOS12. After that, the phone was restarted by the team. Then it was a pause and a pop-up screen saying the phone is pwned appeared which was a confirmation that the jailbreak remained in effect. The iPhone from the video unlocks without the use of Face ID or a passcode.

Pandora Lab is the team which says they want to work with Apple and patches the flaw.

For the newbies out there, jailbreaking means that you hack into iOS and from then on you can install any app even those who are not approved by Apple. In the early days of Apple is was very popular as it offers merely users the possibility to do what they want with their phones and play the games they want.

As iOS started to get better at security and the App Store came into the plan, the jailbreaking suffered a rapid downturn. Hacker Nicholas Allegra declared last year that jailbreaking is no longer alive. At the moment it is just a game for white hat hackers who probe for vulnerabilities.

IOS 12 has got its own new set of security features as well. For example, if you have not unlocked your iPhone for over an hour, it will not let any USB-connected accessories make do something to your phone and lock them out. This was designed in order for brute force attacks to be discouraged, where the account is compromised after a hacker keeps entering potential passwords.

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