Games News

Clash of Clans Spring Update – Archer Tower and the Cannon Improvements

We have an announcement from Supercell that the latest updates on Clash of Clans Spring will bring additional balance changes, new levels for troops and buildings.

So about what upgrades we are talking about?

The Archer Tower and the Cannon will be upgradeable to level 17 with 12 million gold and 12 days to upgrade them fully.  With this update you will have the Cannon with 132 DPS and 1,740 HP; the Archer Tower will have 122 DPS and 1,430 HP.

Regarding the troops (Hog Rider, Ice Golem and the Witch), all of them will be getting a new upgrade at Laboratory level 10.

Moreover, new changes will be the overall strategy of the game. That means both attacking and defending.

So, if we are talking about attacking and defending, an example is the Ice Golem and his Freeze Spell. This spell will be different when used offensively or defensively. When in the offense mode, the Freeze Spell will have an increased radius by 36 percent. That will slow down your enemy defense. On the other hand, on the defense mode, the duration of the spell will be reduced at all levels.

Consequently, after the update, the Ice Golem will be more effective if you use him in offense rather than in defense.

Also, we will have a reduced time of the Tornado Trap at each level.

Because of the update, the Battle Machine in the Builder’s Base will change. The regeneration time will be reduced, so you could match it with your Training Camps, and be ready for battle much faster. That’s encouraging for the dynamic gameplay, and you will get into action earlier.

At last but not least, this Spring update on Clash of Clans will bring a quality of life improvements.  Supercell announced that he wants to reduce the brightness of the clouds for an easy play for the eyes.


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