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How To Have Successful Clash of Clans Attacks With Low Level Heroes

Heroes are incredibly helpful during Clash of Clans attacks. They are powerful and you can use them in multiple attacks, as long as you wait for them to recharge. However, one disadvantage is that it is quite expensive to upgrade heroes, and you need to use dark elixir for that.

Meanwhile, the difference between high level heroes and low level ones is a major once. A maxed out hero for example, has almost twice the damage than one that is at level 20. This means that a hero can determine the outcome of an attack.

The Queen Walk

While maxed out heroes are preferable, it is not simple to get them to that level. If you have the Archer Queen at a lower level you might want to use the Queen Walk. This attack strategy means that you send the Archer Queen surrounded by 4 or 5 healers. The Queen will be able to survive a lot longer and it will destroy a big portion of the base. Once you are done with that stage, you can pull out the rest of the heroes to clean the rest.

However, in order to manage the Queen Walk, you will need to have an Archer Queen that is at least at level 30. If you do the Queen Walk with an Archer Queen that has a lower level, you need to pay more attention to the game. You will have to keep an eye on her health and use Rage Spells in order to help her continue her attack.

Recommended upgrades

When you are upgrading your Town Hall you should make sure that your Heroes are at the right level. For example, before you upgrade to Town Hall level 10, you should make sure that your Heroes are at least at level 15.

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Master Clash of Clans With Less Known Tips and Tricks

Tip one: Your Targets Need To Be Picked Wisely

If you are at a higher level in Clash of Clans and choose to go after the weaker enemies than we must tell you this is not a good strategy. This does not create excellent resources and points earned report so it will take you longer to get to the next level. If your primary goal is to keep your resources stock high, then you should use goblins instead of a full army when you go after your enemy. In case a loss takes place, you would still have the resources. This is a great tip to follow when you are not sure how the games session is going to work.

Tip two: Take Care Of Your Gems

If you have set up a goal to build huts, then you should make sure that your gems are well taken care of because besides the fact that they bring more points they have other usage variants too. Make sure that your gems are spent wisely and that you use missions to your advantage so you will get as many as possible. If you keep a gem budget than your progress will be faster. Leveling up without proper protection is not a good idea so you should better build stronger huts.

Tip three: Make Your Army As Strong As Possible

Before you get into a war, you usually have an entire day ahead. You should use this time to your advantage before going into a war. While waiting, you can upgrade your air defense, get to know the battlefield and arrange your army. You should choose land battlefields if your walls are low level. Alongside with that, before launching an attack, make sure that you pinpoint the weaknesses and strengths of your target group too.

Tip four: Unprotected Villages Should Be Your Target

No start will be found on the unprotected villages. If you attack this kind of villages, then you also gain more points and speed up your development. However, do not forget that your weaker clans are exposed to stiffer battles when you go after tough opponents and do not lose. The advantage of going after a weaker opponent is that it makes it difficult for your allies to get into a war with tougher opponents.

Tip five: Shielding Is Important

We know that your favorite activity in the game is to go after your enemies but so do they. In case you end up with your whole town destroyed, or your Town Hall crumbled, you will have twelve precious hours, time in which you should choose what you re doing next. We are recommending that you build your army, upgrade your towers and spend all your gems before getting into the next attack.

Tip six: Attacking And Defending should be done in the same amount

Your goal as village chief in Clash of Clans is to attack your enemies while, at the same time, make sure that your town is well defended. If you do not want to get into fights, at least keep in mind that you need to have your village defended. To do so, you should upgrade your air defense, town hall, and walls. If you want to play the offensive part, then upgrades should be done to your archers, mortars, and cannons numbers. Having higher points on your town halls do not bring you too much point when you attack weaker enemies. In order to level up, you should make sure that the players you attack have the same town hall level as you.

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Best Clash of Clans Tips to Win Attacks

You are scouting your enemy wrong

Even after a thorough research you might find wrong opponents and fall in the trap and choose them, the fact which does not make you win attacks. However, there are some other mistakes that should be avoided as well.

The League you are in is not good

This is not the main reason one would lose the attack, but this should be taken into consideration as well just in case. Sometimes when you are too high your opponents also get too good so even though all your troops are powerful and greatly placed, it does not mean you will also win the attack.

Working hard for that Town Hall 8 or that Titan League will not bring you more wins. Higher leagues are not the equivalent with you being the top player so you should be careful which league you choose because the right one might help you achieve what you strive for.

The killer base you chose

After getting your troops all ready for the fight, you should make sure that the kind of base you chose will not be too strong. Are you using Hog Riders? Than the Multi-Target Inferno Tower is not good for you as those air defenses and dragon attacks might make your troops pee their pants. Be careful on what kind of base you chose.

You should always keep in mind both your weaknesses and strengths so that way you will know who you will win over if you attack and who will not.

Unexpected traps

Warming your attack, you would not like to randomly get into a trap, right? Traps are everywhere and if you are using something specifically for your attack, Giant based attack, for example, you should keep an eye on the hidden traps so you will not waste resources for an attack you do not win.

The bases which are heavier in Trap usage are the Souther Teaser so make sure you avoid that if you are looking for genuine winning chances.

Your spells and troops should be used best so take it easy with the common attacking mistakes.

After finding the best opponent for you, you will need to get better at your attack strategies and in order to do that, we will provide you with some mistakes others do, and you can avoid.

Using spells at the wrong time

When you are part of an attack, the spells are some crucial weapons you could use them. Even though they might not seem necessary, do not think that they are not making your life easier. Make sure you make a plan of what spells you want to use and when so you will not waste time thinking.

If you go on YouTube you will find lots of tutorials teaching you about the use of spells and we are recommending the Master the Spells series which includes Master the Rage Spell, Master the Freeze Spell, Master the Earthquake Spell, Master the Haste Spell, Master the Lightning Spell, Master the Healing Spell, Master the Jump Spell (coming soon). And Master the Poison Spell.

The fitting of the troops is not great

While choosing your troops, you should make sure that they are covering every spot you need to take care of because you would not like any weak spots. You should also take care of the defenses damage by having enough taking power to cover them, make sure you do not run out of DPS as you need it to destroy as many building as possible and keep an eye on everything we taught you.

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Clash of Clans Tips To Upgrade to Builder Hall 5

The Builder Hall 5 does not upgrade on its own and completely. You will also unlock some defenses, but carefulness should be your primary goal as there is a strategy behind all this. If you want the right things to happen at the right times, take our advice and learn to priorities your upgrade order.

What to do and when to do?

There are a lot of answers that can be a solution to that questions. There are a lot of “experts” online telling what you should upgrade but for a beginner in BH5 and based on the experience you have and the mistakes we have made, we recommend you set yourself a neat upgrade routine which will be repeated for every Builder Hall level.

If you are familiar with the Clock Tower, you might have rebuilt it in Builder Hall 4. If not, this is the moment you should do, and this must become your priority. Keep in mind that an insufficient amount of gold will not enable you to do so. Your productivity time is increased ten times with this Clock Tower, and it is quite an advantage as the many significant upgrades that will follow are not as fast as we would have liked. If you have only some gold, this is not something you should do to keep it for the next level.

Upgrade all your defenses!

The defenses which you will unlock at Builder Hall 4 are quite numerous including new fire crackers, new double cannons, elixir storages, and gold mine. Before getting them all, we think that it is best to upgrade your elixir storage first. This will end up being very helpful if you want to buy this level’s battle machine and the multi mortar.

After taking care of the elixir storage, you must upgrade your defenses. Upgrade your fire crackers, double cannons and then what is left.

After that, get the mortar and battle machine getting help from your upgraded elixir storage. When you reach level 5, make sure you upgrade your star lab as well, but you will need to save up previously. If you do as you are told, you will be able to unlock the cannon cart and any other advantages for your team.

Trap upgrade!

This is a detail that gets forgotten by many, but it is crucial in the builder hall 5 base. Your traps such as the spring traps, push traps, mines, bombs, etc. add a lot of advantages to your overall defense in Builder Hall 5. To benefit from all these, you would better upgrade these to the max level and make sure you place them in the Builder Hall 5’s most vulnerable places. The bulk attacks will be kept down, and it does some efficient work on large troops as well.

What not to do?

You should not upgrade tour walls. Well, not to begin with but after following the steps above these should be upgraded too while keeping it the last on your list.

Now it is time to worry about the base layout of your Builder Hall 5. Even if you attack strategies are efficient and excellent, an excellent base will offer you that additional advantages to your enemies.

In case your attacks are not that good, a great base can still save you. Our hack is to plan the best Builder Hall 5 base and do not worry about the rest.

Hopefully, this information will do you well, and your Clash of Clans experience will be improved for good.

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Clash of Clans 2018 Tips – Best Town Hall 8 Attack Strategies

Because we all know how hard it is to get three stars in Town Hall 8, we have decided to share with you some attack strategies that you can use in Clan Wars or Village attack.

  • 2 Golem, 18 Wizard, 2 PEKKA, 3 Heal spell, 9 Wall breaker, 1 Poison (Clan – 1 Pekka, 1 Poison)

Widely known under the name of GOWIPE, which stands for Golem, Wizard, Pekka, this is a very effective strategy used in both Town Hall 8 and Town Hall 9. Wizards have a high damage per second and Pekka are equipped with high hit points and maximum damage per second for a ground unit. The good part is that Golem can attract all defenses on himself and because of this, wizard and pekka receive shield from him.

  • 50 Archers, 30 Balloons, 3 Rage Spell, 1 Poison (Clan – 5 Balloon, 1 Poison)

The Rage spell seems to work better than the light spell. This is quite a simple strategy that can be used in clan wars as well. You have three rages to use and we would recommend you to use them mainly close to the air defenses.

  • 20 Archers, 20 Wizard, 20 Hog Rider, 1 Poison Spell, 3 Heal Spell (Clan – 5 Balloon or 5 Hog Rider with Poison spell)

If you want to go for this strategy, please keep in mind that it comes with some risks. The reason for this is that your hog riders could be eliminated by Giant Bombs. It’s better to choose this strategy if you have level 4 hog riders. It’s important to remember that you should deploy all hogs from one side, but at the same time they need to target different defenses.

  • 40 Minions, 120 Archers, 3 Light Spell, 1 EQ

If you aim to have the best army structure for farming, then this the best strategy you could possibly choose. Don’t let yourself be fooled by another troop combo, because they could either cost too much or be ineffective. Don’t forget not to deploy all archers in a single go and try to use the Light spell only if you really need to.

  • 12 Valkyrie, 3 heal spell, 10 archers, 12 Wizard, 1 Golem, 8 wall breakers, 1 poison spell (Clan – 5 Balloons or 5 Hog Riders with a Poison spell)

This strategy is known as GOWIVA, which comes from: Golem, Wizard, Valkyrie. In order for this strategy to be successful, your Valkyrie and golem should have maximum level for this proposed scheme. You have to use archers and wizards to kill the clan castle troops. You can lure them out by easily deploying your golem so that the clan troops will be distracted. If you want to achieve even better results, you can take 5 hog riders or 5 balloons with you in your clan castle.

  • ALL DRAGONS, 1 rage spell, 2 Light spell (level 5), 1 eq (Clan – 5 balloons, 1 haste or poison or eq)

It’s probably almost impossible to fail scoring three stars on any Town Hall 8 base with this specific strategy, so you should definitely try it. This is the best option to choose, particularly in clan wars.

  • 9 Wall Breakers, 2 PEKKA, 12 Giants, 18 Wizard, 3 Heal

It’s extremely important to always check the enemy clan castle before you deploy any giants. Any discovered troops must be killed as fast as possible. With this strategy, you will be able to easily score at least two stars, and if you are lucky and use your options wisely, even three stars.

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