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Facebook Lite Beta Download Available for Improved Performance

Even though a recent survey showed that teenagers are losing interesting in Facebook and that they are moving on to other platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, no one can deny the fact that Facebook is still the world’s largest social media platform. The reason behind Facebook’s popularity is quite simple, the app has been optimized so that everyone can use it! In fact, there is a special version of Facebook that is designed for lower-end smartphones and the app is called Facebook Lite.

Facebook Lite

Just like the original app, Facebook Lite ships with a plethora of features that make it easier for people to get in touch with their friends and family members. Not just that, but Facebook Lite users will be able to get in touch even with companies, brands, celebrities and the local groceries store because everyone owns a Facebook account.

Latest Beta APK Update

Since we are talking about Facebook Lite, we need to mention that a brand-new update which changes the app’s version number to beta has arrived. This update is available in the form of APK which means that Android users are the only ones who get to install it. In addition, the update is targeted towards Facebook Lite beta testers.

New Features

Facebook loves to introduce cool features and visual changes with every new update, but unfortunately, this not case for this latest APK. Instead of focusing on new features, the developers decided to tweak out the app’s software in order to help it perform better.

With that being said, Facebook Lite users who want to receive a premium user experience should make sure to get their hands on the latest beta update. Even though the update is targeted towards beta testers, enrolling in Facebook’s beta program is super easy and anyone can do it.

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