Games News

GTA 6: What We Know About Lucia, the First Female Protagonist in Grand Theft Auto History

After an endless amount of speculation and rumors, we now know for sure that GTA 6 is coming out in 2025 due to the first official trailer of the highly anticipated game. In just a few short days, the GTA 6 trailer has been watched by netizens from across the world more times than the first trailer for the previous game, GTA 5, in all its existence of 12 years. In other words, there’s absolutely no exaggeration to say that GTA 6 is indeed the most anticipated game in history.

One of the reasons why Grand Theft Auto fans wait for the launch of GTA 6 is that the upcoming game will be the first in the beloved series to have a woman as a protagonist. Until now, we had only guys as GTA protagonists, and GTA 5 was the first and only game of the series so far that introduced more than one protagonist. We had Trevor, Michael, and Franklin as the protagonists of the latest GTA game.

As for GTA 6, Lucia and her boyfriend are the game’s protagonists. We don’t know the guy’s name so far, but we can still speculate a lot about Lucia, who seems to be a Latin-American badass girl who’s always ready to settle the score the hard way.

Who is Lucia in GTA 6?

We can see Lucia in the GTA 6 trailer appearing as she meets with a parole officer. When she is asked why she thinks she’s there, the girl gives a very badass statement: “Bad luck, I guess.”

Lucia and her boyfriend often like to get into trouble, and they seem very devoted to one another. It’s clear that their relationship is also romantic, while their main hobby is running away from the police after they do some very bad deeds.

Lucia is clearly the first female protagonist in GTA history, and that can’t possibly upset anyone. She seems to have the right badass attitude to go for heavy crimes across the streets of Vice City (fictional Miami).

There’s no more to learn at this point about Lucia and the other protagonist of the long-awaited game. However, we can expect both of them to be Mexicans, judging by their skin tone.

GTA 6: a console-exclusive game?

At this point, we know that GTA 6 won’t be available for the PC at launch, but that could change in the future. The game will most probably work only for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles, but it could follow suit in the case of GTA 5, the previous game, which was adapted for PC two years after its initial release for consoles.

The appearance of a female protagonist in GTA 6 has been heavily rumored and speculated until the official trailer of the game confirmed the hunch. It was nice to see that it’s indeed true, and a badass woman will be in the future game. Also, we’re happy to see that the rumors about a return to Vice City (fictional Miami) were also true, as GTA 6 will recreate the map of one of the most iconic video games ever made: GTA Vice City, which came out in 2002. Of course, the improved map will be much more diversified this time and adapted to the current gaming standards.

All we can do at this point is wait for Rockstar to tell us more about the identity of the GTA 6 protagonists, as there’s a lot more to learn.

The GTA 6 trailer was released sooner than expected because official footage leaks have already been published online. This led Rockstar to decide to show the trailer to the world, and so far, it has gathered an astronomical amount of more than 143 million views in just one week after its release.

Games News

GTA 6’s Official Trailer Gets More Views in a Few Days Than the GTA 5 Trailer Did in 12 Years

GTA 6 is coming out in 2025, and we finally know that for sure, thanks to the first official trailer of the highly-anticipated game that was launched a few days ago. We have a lot of information about GTA 6 already without having to dive into speculations, rumors, and farfetched possibilities.

We’re less than a week away since Rockstar Games finally published the official trailer for GTA 6, and the video has already been viewed more than one of the trailers for GTA 5 in 12 years. That’s right, dear ladies and gents, you’ve read that correctly! That’s probably the best confirmation we can possibly get that GTA 6 is indeed the most anticipated game in history.

GTA 6’s trailer gathers over 140M views in less than a week

The official GTA 6 trailer has already gathered an insane number of views in only less than a week after its release: 140 million. This is especially amazing considering that one of the first trailers for GTA 5, the predecessor of GTA 6, has been viewed more than 104 million times. But don’t forget the fact that the GTA 5 trailer is 12 years old! Isn’t that mind-boggling?

Behold the absolute proof:

The details in GTA 6 look as if they’re from another world, indicating that the game will raise the stakes a lot more compared to its predecessor, GTA 5. Lucia and her boyfriend, the protagonists of the highly-anticipated game, will have a lot of work to do.

A return to Vice City

GTA 6 marks a return to Vice City (fictional Miami), and it’s nice to see that the rumors were true after all. The future game will have the task of showcasing a more actual version of Vice City, where the world is teeming with social media, celebrities aiming to get more fans, crazy stunts, and more. The iconic GTA Vice City game, which came out more than two decades ago, proposes a world from the ’80s, and that title still got a lot of attention and love from the fans. It’s pretty much impossible to find a gamer who has never played GTA Vice City.

Rockstar is known for recreating maps in its Grand Theft Auto games, which means that the return to Vice City shouldn’t surprise any of us. They’ve done it with GTA 5 when they’ve recreated the map of Los Santos from GTA San Andreas. Nobody has complained about that, as Rockstar did a fantastic job, considering that GTA 5 remains in the top 3 best-selling games in history.

Let’s also not forget that GTA 4, which came out in 2008, has proposed a journey throughout Liberty City (fictional New York) for the players. That’s the same map that was present in the previous game, GTA 3, which came out in 2001. However, the map was drastically improved in GTA 4, not to mention that the graphics were light-years better. Did anybody complain about Liberty City existing in both GTA 4 and GTA 3? No! In fact, GTA 4 remains one of Rockstar’s most popular games of all time, and a significant amount of Grand Theft Auto fans even consider it better than its successor, GTA 5. GTA 4 has plenty of unique gameplay elements that we cannot see in GTA 5 or in any other game of the Grand Theft Auto series.

GTA 6 will be available for consoles at first, while a PC release might come later. If we look at the history of the series, we can see that GTA 5, the previous game, was adapted for the PC two years after its initial release for consoles. Therefore, we can expect something similar to happen with GTA 6 as well, but only time will tell for sure.

Games News

The Official GTA 6 Trailer is Available to Watch – What We Know About the Game So Far

The long and unbearable wait is finally over, as the official trailer for GTA 6 has finally arrived. We can open the champagne as we can finally feast our eyes on official footage of the most anticipated game in history. As we shared the news a few days ago, the trailer was just several days away, and we can now watch it in all its glory.

GTA 6 will have a female protagonist in its main cast, although a guy will be in that role as well. Those two people form a couple that is ready to get into all sorts of trouble, and they have the strong creed that they can succeed only by remaining together.

GTA 6 comes out in 2025

We were expecting to see three protagonists in GTA 6, similar to GTA 5, where Trevor, Michael, and Franklin are in the main roles. Who knows, maybe a third protagonist for GTA 6 will be revealed later, although, at this point, it seems that there will be only two protagonists: a guy and a gal.

Words are useless at this point. Feel free to put on a nice costume, have champagne near you, and thank God for this wonderful moment as you watch the official GTA 6 trailer:

At first glance, the graphics look absolutely stunning, the NPCs look more real than they’ve ever been, and the surroundings look full of action. Everybody seems to do something in this game.

GTA 6 brings back a fictional Miami

As it has been heavily speculated so far, GTA 6 marks a return to Vice City (fictional Miami). However, it won’t be the same Vice City from the legendary GTA Vice City that came out more than 20 years ago. At that point, it was the fictional Miami from the ’80s. In GTA 6, we’ll receive a more modern Miami set in the world of our times. We can easily deduce that from the trailer, as we can see a lot of people who want to post their activities on social media apps.

Social apps are dominating the show

GTA 6 will probably satirize the world of social media, in which everybody wants to make live shows of their activities, regardless of how boring they might be. GTA 5, on the other hand, the latest GTA game released, is well-known for its satirical content. “Life invader” was a reference in GTA 5 to Facebook, as at that time, the famous platform was dominating the world. Through the game’s irony, it emphasizes the idea that Facebook tries to invade our lives, and we could see something similar in GTA 6 as well.

We don’t have to avoid saying that out there in the real world, people are clinging too much to social media apps that they use to show their lives, no matter what boring and useless activities they might have. GTA 6 can surely explore that to its own advantage by satirizing the behaviors of such netizens.

Will GTA 6 be available only for consoles?

According to various sources, GTA 6 will first be released only for consoles at some point in 2025, which means that PC gamers will have to wait longer or even forget about the idea of running the game on their PC. Judging by the trailer, the graphics and mechanics of the highly-anticipated game might be much more than Windows PCs can handle. Perhaps we’ll even have PlayStation 6 and the next-generation Xbox consoles when GTA 6 comes out; who knows?

It’s been ten years since GTA 5, the latest game of the Grand Theft Auto series, came out. At first, the game was available only for consoles (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 at first, while it arrived a year later for PS4 and Xbox One), but it was also adapted for PC in 2015.



How the GTA 4 Story Impacted the Grand Theft Auto Series

GTA 4 came out way back in 2008, and it immediately impressed everyone through both its gameplay and graphics. The game was the bee’s knees at its time, even though most GTA fans are more impressed by what GTA 5 has to offer and are more busy waiting for news about the long-awaited GTA 6.

GTA 4 features Niko Bellic in the role of the game’s protagonist, as he’s a war veteran who ran away from the Yugoslavian War in Europe and traversed the ocean with high hopes for a better life. Once Niko arrives in Liberty City (fictional New York) and is eager to start making money with his cousin Roman, the protagonist discovers that life as a free man can be just as difficult as on the battlefield. While Niko is also not all peaches and cream, he can get into trouble very easily.

Each and every GTA fan can agree that the story of GTA 4 is extremely dark and full of dark humor. While violence and killing are usual elements of the Grand Theft Auto series, Rockstar took it to a whole new level in GTA 4. This game easily remains the darkest GTA game ever made and for good reasons. But apart from the ‘dark’ aspect, there’s more to the GTA story. Let’s get into detail a bit:

Emotional impact:

The story of Niko Belllic and the ways he interacts with other characters, such as his cousin Roman and a potential girlfriend, added emotional depth to the game. Furthermore, the choices players made during the storyline had consequences, affecting the game’s multiple possible endings. That was extremely interesting to see back in 2008 when the game came out, as it was a premiere for many gamers to see such an approach.

Narrative depth:

Compared to predecessor games, GTA 4 has brought a more nuanced and character-driven narrative. While, as we said, Niko Bellic, the protagonist, was a complex character who had a troubled past, we also shouldn’t forget that the story delved into themes such as family, immigration, and the pursuit of the so-called American Dream.

Earlier GTA games featured more caricatured characters, and GTA 4 has the merit of departing from them and setting a new standard for storytelling in the insanely popular Grand Theft Auto series.

Realism and serious topics

We also need to admit that GTA 4 shifted towards a more realistic portrayal of the game world and gaming characters. The storyline features serious topics such as betrayal, organized crime, as well as the consequences of violence. Such a departure from the satirical and over-the-top tone that dominated previous games proved the capacity of the series for more mature storytelling.

The introduction of expansions

Besides the main storyline, GTA 4 also introduced story expansions (more commonly known as DLCs nowadays) in the form of “The Ballad of Gay Tony” and “The Lost and Damned.” Such expansions provided players with different perspectives on the events that took place in GTA 4 and further deepened the narrative even more. Such an approach influenced the design of future Rockstar games, such as “Red Dead Redemption 2,” which had multiple interconnected narratives.

GTA 4 is the last game of the Grand Theft Auto series that had a single protagonist. GTA 5 has three: Trevor, Franklin, and Michael. As for the upcoming GTA 6, it will also have three protagonist characters, and one of them is a woman.

Games News

The GTA 6 Trailer is Just Around the Corner – What We Need to See in the Long-Awaited Game

After a long wait, Rockstar informed the world that the official trailer for the long-awaited game GTA 6 will finally arrive in early December. In other words, we might have less than a week to wait until the trailer floods the internet. As fans of the famous and iconic franchise for the gaming industry, we have been waiting for a sequel to GTA 5 for about a decade. Enough is enough already!

However, even though it’s only a matter of days until we get the official trailer for GTA 6, along with the release date of the long-awaited game, there is still a lot to consider. Rockstar needs to fix a lot of stuff and make GTA 6 much better than GTA 5 if they want their new game to sell better. In other words, let’s see what we need to see in GTA 6 when the long-awaited game will be ready to launch:

More enterable buildings

GTA 5 was a great game, that’s for sure. It had an amazing story, perfect graphics, a lot of comedy, and so on and so forth. But one aspect of the insanely-popular RPG that Rockstar shouldn’t have worked more at has to do with the enterable buildings. If we set aside the missions of the game, GTA 5 has few buildings where the player can enter and do his monkey business. If we take a look at GTA San Andreas, for instance, a game that came out almost a decade before GTA 5, that older title was teeming with enterable buildings. Maybe the guys from Rockstar could draw some inspiration from the legendary GTA San Andreas and implement at least as many buildings in GTA 6. Although GTA SA has completely obsolete graphics for today’s standards when it comes to gaming, it still has an incredibly complex gameplay.

More side missions

GTA 5 has 69 main wonderful missions and some side missions as well. Those main missions are indeed long, complex, and entertaining, but after you finish the storyline of the game, you somehow get that feeling that there’s not much else to do. However, we have to remark on the possibility of rapidly replaying any of the missions you’ve finished in GTA 6, which is a nice feature that we hope to see in GTA 6 as well. It doesn’t exist in any other GTA game.

Once again, we have to take GTA San Andreas as an example. That game is teeming with optional missions that you can play, and the more you progress and collect items, the more bonuses you receive. For instance, a 100% completion of the game (which takes very, very much time) will grant you a Rhino tank right in CJ’s backyard.

A more diversified map

GTA 5 has too many mountains and countryside. It has a major city, a few islands, and a beachside. That’s not bad at all, but we could use more than one city in the game and the possibility to travel from one to another in various ways, such as in GTA 4 or, as you’ve already guessed, GTA San Andreas!

Otherwise, the map in GTA 5 is the biggest of all GTA maps, but even so, we can still ask for more. After all, Rockstar had ten years at their disposal to make GTA 6, and all that waiting needs to seriously pay off.

A female protagonist

Who doesn’t like to see a badass chick as she’s teaching some manners to the naughty boys? That’s what we can expect to see in GTA 6 as well. Judging by the information we have so far about the future game, it seems that our wish will be granted.

What do you want to see more in GTA 6? Feel free to share your opinion with us!

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