News Tech

iOS 11.4.1 Fixed Exploit to be Presented this September

We know that everyone in the jailbreaking community is waiting impatiently for new updates about the iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak. We have some news for you and it’s about exploiting CVE-2018-4280, which is fixed in iOS 11.4.1.

What’s new

Just recently, on July 30th, a new message was posted on Twitter by a graduate from Stanford, Brandon Azad, who mentioned that he will be talking about “Crashing to root: How to escape the iOS sandbox using abort()” in September, at the beVX Conference. Azad studied Computer Science with the main emphasis on Systems and Security. Based on the announcement that he made, one month from now he will be giving us some details about how to exploit the CVE-2018-4280, fixed in iOS 11.4.1, by crashing it so that privileges will be elevated, codesigning will be defeated, and also in order to “spawn a shell on iOS 11.2.6.”

When should we expect the conference?

The beVX Conference, an event that is held annually, will take place between 20th and 21st of September this year, in Hong Kong, at the Marco Polo Hotel. Some of the main subjects that will be discussed at the event are complex exploitation techniques, reverse engineering, as well as vulnerability discovery. As we can easily see, the focus of the conference is mainly on technical offensive topics.

What else will happen at the event taking place in the fall?

Other than Azad, there will be other guests present at the conference that will give talks as well, such as Julian Rauchberger and Tobias Dam, Vitaly Nikolenko, Niklas Baumstark, Luat Nguyen and Sheng-Hao. However, these are only few of those who will be attending the event in September. There’s still a lot of time left until then, which means that we should soon have more names to add to the list of presenters. This will give us more topics to look forward to.

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