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iPhone Secret Features That Might Change Your iOS Experience

Back when Android smartphones become popular the main argument in favor of Google’s operating system was represented by the sheer number of features which were provided by Android smartphones. That has been the case since Apple preferred to offer an accessible and streamline experience instead of a bunch of features that may or may not be useful. That has changed in recent years as the Cupertino-based company has refined its OS and added so many features that some of them are easy to forget even if you hear about them. Here are a few iPhone secret features that you might find handy sometimes.

Below you can find a list of exciting features which aren’t well-known among the users.

iPhone Secret Features That Might Change Your iOS Experience

A location-sensitive Do Not Disturb Mode

Do Not Disturb is one of the most exciting iPhone secret features. It’s useful when you don’t want to be bothered by random notifications while you are trying to relax after a hard day at work. Few iOS users know that you can use a location-based DND. You can enable this function by long-pressing the DND icon until a menu appears and selecting the Until I leave this location option.

A smarter way to move app icons

Everybody knows that you can move an icon by pressing on the icon until all the icons start to shake. If you keep your finger on the icon, you can use another one to select several apps and move all of them to a new page.

A bit of extra volume

If you like to play music on your device with the help of the built-in loudspeaker, you may want a little bit of extra volume. Those that wish to blast their favorite music can open the EQ menu from the Setting menu and tap on the Late Night option.

View app notifications in a folder

If you are a well-organized person who likes to keep apps into several folders, you may be annoyed when you see a notification. But thanks to one of the most useful iPhone secret features, you can see notifications in a folder.

You can see the notification quickly by using 3D Touch. Press firmly on the folder, and a menu will appear, showing all the apps which have new notifications. Tap directly on the list to see them.

A sleep timer

If you like to watch a show or listen to music in bed, this feature could be useful. Open the Clock app and set a timer, tap on the When Timer Ends button and look for the Stop Playing option.

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