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Best Tips to Get Leads For Your Business – Quora and Twitter Marketing Automation

Want Some More Leads For Your Business? Here Are Some Tips That Could Help

If you want your business to succeed, you need to promote your business in order to gain customers. Getting leads is essential if you do not want to fail. However, not all business owners know how to generate leads. We have a couple of tips that should help you get started when it comes to getting leads.

New technology is important

When you are investing money, new technology should be on your list of priorities. You should see which technology is popular and do your best to use matching marketing strategies. For example, nowadays most people use their smartphones in order to browse websites, which means that, in order to reach more users, you need to make sure that your advertisements are compatible with their devices.

Tweets are important

If you want users to engage with your content and pay attention to your tweets, you need to put in some effort. For example, including images in your tweets is very effective. You should also remember to use hashtags so that you can enlarge your audience. If you use the right hashtags, your content will be found by more users which means that you will get more leads.

In order to find more potential leads on Twitter you might need to use other tools as well. For example, there are websites that can tell you important details about your followers, such as the times when they tweet, or they location. You can use this information to adapt your tweets so that they will reach a wider audience.

Offer answers on Quora

Quora is a social network where persons post questions every day. Offering answers on Quora can be a way of making users notice your website. This isn’t something that requires a lot of effort and it can help you gain loyal customers.

Marketing automation

We live in the era of technology and you should take advantage of that. You don’t have to do everything on your own, especially when marketing automation tools exist. There are applications such as Drip which can be used to turn information about possible clients into actual leads.

Social media marketing is also important, so you might want to use management tools for that as well. You can create content queues and then create time slots for them so that they can be spread through the day.

Engaging with your leads

You need to engage with your leads if you want your business to be successful. A FAQ can be a great first step, but this is not enough. You will have to think about direct engagement as well. For example, you should try to add live chats or help centres or perhaps create a forum for your business. Customer service is essential, and someone should be available at all times.

Use both outbound and inbound marketing

It is recommended that you combine outbound and inbound marketing because they both have their advantages. Usually, outbound marketing tends to be more effective, but this does not mean that you should ignore inbound marketing.

If we are talking about the inbound approach, you should make sure that you are involved in online communities and you share content constantly. Communication is also vital and you should do your best to solve your customers’ issues.


If you find it hard to get an audience, you should use websites that already have one. LinkedIn is a social network designed for businesses which can prove to be great if you are looking to promote your business and attract new clients.

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