In the recent years EA did not have a great deal of success with the NBA Live series. 2K’s NBA2K sold millions of copies around the world, while NBA Live struggled to remain relevant and it mainly received tepid reviews every year.
The newly released demo may be a real game changer, showing off multiple innovations and for the time for such a demo, it allows user to try out several game modes in order to find out if something is for them. The demo is available for the Xbox One and PS4.
Players can once again hit the streets to play ball or try their look in a professional league by choosing The One mode. You can play in solo mode, competitive multiplayer against real players from all around the world, and co-op online modes against the AI. Custom player characters can be upgraded up to level 20, with another 79 levels coming when the game will be fully released.
Good News
It would seem that EA tried really hard to bring NBA Live back into the public eye as a successful game. A host of improvement s can be observed, from player movement and animations to a faster, more enjoyable gameplay. The players also look better as face scanning was improved. They are not on a photorealistic yet, but the aspect is more natural.
Bad news
There is always space for more improvements and EA still has time to improve the game. The commentary is still a disappointment when compared to its brother FIFA. AI players received a boost but it either plays like a good, or like an old man that tries too hard. The dunkfest, one of the most criticized problems of NBA Live 2018 has transcended and it seems that it will plague this game too.
Despite its flaws the game is quite impressive even as a demo. With a release date of September 7, it remains to be seen how will ware against 2K’S offering.
Henry Lares is still early into his career as tech reporter but has already had his work published in many major publications including Tech Crunch and the Huffington Post. In regards to academics, Henry earned an engineering degree from Apex Technical School. Henry has a passion for emerging technology and covers upcoming products and breakthroughs in science and tech.